Chapter 6

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     Steve and Natasha ran to join Clint at the counter with Laura on the other line. He didn't particularly express it; but Clint had never been more relieved in his life. After all the chaos with the accords and Ross, after the terrifying past couple of hours of worry – he finally heard his wife's voice on speaker from the other line.

     "Laura?" Natasha checked, brushing back her hair from her face and clenching it tight with her fists.

     There was static and muffled voices from the other line, but after a few moments of spotty connection, Laura spoke with happiness, "Nat?"

     All three of them gasped with relief. "Natasha Romanoff, is that you?" Laura asked.

     "Hi, Laura." Natasha smiled and bit her lip; eyes teary, but not to the point of waterworks.

     "Oh my God," Laura sharply sucked a breath of air through her teeth and sniffled. "Hi."

     "Hi," Clint hesitated, "...honey." Steve smirked.

    "Clint?" Laura stopped, "Clint!" and with that, it was fairly obvious she was crying; with her faint sobs echoing through the device. "You're okay..." she whispered in between cries to her husband, "you're alright... I'm so glad you're okay! I was so worried!"

     Clint curled his lips, blinked rapidly, and looked up at the ceiling; trying desperately to hold back his tears. "You were worried?" he chuckled.

     Laura laughed. Then she sighed, "I'm so glad you're okay; both of you."

     Clint closed his eyes and smiled. "Yeah;"

      "Feeling's mutual." Natasha reassured. She smiled.

     There was a pause; a moment taken to exchange happy looks, before Clint spoke again. "Oh yeah, Steve's here by the way."

     Steve chortled and rolled his eyes playfully. "Steve Rogers?" Laura asked surprised, "Well then... hi!"

     Steve smiled; but then got right to the topic. "How are you doing right now; you guys holding up okay?"

     "Oh – yes. We're just fine where we are."

     "Good, good. Where is that, exactly?" Clint asked.

     "We've been staying at–"

     They heard a familiar voice from the other line. "Hang on a minute," Laura said to them.

     "Is that daddy?" she asked. Lila. Natasha's face lit up and she leaped over the counter to the other side.

     "Yes, sweetheart – it's daddy and Auntie Nat; and Captain America! Do you want to talk to them?" Laura whispered.

     "Mmhm," Lila nodded.

     "Okay – there's somebody who wants to talk to you..." Laura teased on the other line. Clint's smile grew larger.

     "Hey, pumpkin!" Clint exclaimed.

     "Hi daddy." Lila said with excitement.

     "Have you been a good girl for your mommy?" Clint asked.

     "Mmhm," Lila said through the phone, and the others heard Laura laugh in the background and they smiled.

     "Good, good..." Clint said, "Hey, so I'm going to be coming to see you and your brothers soon!"

     "You are?" Lila awed.

     "Yeah absolutely! I'll be home before you know it."


     "Pinky promise."

     "Ok." Lila giggled. She kept quiet for a short moment before speaking up, "Daddy?"

     "Yeah, pumpkin?"

     "Mommy says that Auntie Nat is with you,"

     "She absolutely is! Do you want to talk to her?"


     "Alright then." Clint handed the phone to Natasha; who sat next to him with her arm extended out to grab it and the goofiest, child-like smile on her face.

     "Is this Miss Lila?" Natasha teased. Clint laughed and Steve smirked.

     "Auntie Nat?" Lila whispered.

     "I've missed you, little one." Natasha scratched the back of her neck and grinned.

     "Are you coming with my daddy to see me?" Lila asked hopefully.

     "You know it!" Natasha smiled. "We'll be there before you know it."

     "Can I tell you a secret?" Lila asked.

     "You can definitely trust me to keep it." Natasha assured and winked at the two boys sitting at the counter with her. Both of them chuckled.

     "Ok." Lila whispered.

     "Ok." Natasha repeated. "Spill."

     Lila turned to see if anyone were listening, then she leaned in closer to the phone and covered her mouth with her hand. "I've missed you the most."

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