Chapter 11

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"Oh shit!" Sam yelled.

"What is it?" Wanda asked, springing up from her seat and pacing quickly over towards them. Sam extended his arm to hold her back from the window as she approached, and gave her a shove forward.

"Ross." He answered, "They found us."

Wanda's eyes widened, whereas Scott's nearly popped out of his head. "How!?" He exclaimed.

"I don't know," Sam picked up his jacket from the edge of his chair and threw it on. "But we gotta go – shut those lights off." He gestured to Bucky and the switch on the side of the kitchen wall. Without hesitation, Bucky sprinted over and forcefully turn off the light. The downstairs of the house, aside from the dim bulb in the back hallway, was now engulfed in an eerie darkness – darkness so strong, the four of them were tripping over their own feet.

Bucky stumbled over to them, "Go where?" He asked, confused as to where Sam planned for them to hide.

To his suspicion, Sam responded, "Haven't gotten that far – just go!" He urged, pushing everybody closer towards the back door, "Grab a jacket, but leave everything else! Go! Go! Go!"

Wanda reached up to grab her black cardigan sweater from the top of the coat rack and quickly slipped it on over her shoulders. She tossed Scott his jean shirt. Throwing it on over his white tee, Scott informed, "We need to get to the shed!"

Bucky shook his head and blocked Scott from leaving the back hall, "No!" Scott looked up at him and raised his eyebrows. Bucky pushed him back, "The shed's too far to the front – they'll see us before we even make it across the lawn."

Scott opened his mouth to speak, but quickly realized that Bucky was right. Actually, trying to get to the shed was most likely the worst thing they could do.

     He pushed past Bucky to peek out the blinds. The men were getting closer, and Scott was beginning to panic. He paced back and forth trying to think of something, someplace they could hide safely in such a short amount of time.

Wanda, who was looking down at the floor, raised her head with sudden realization – "The trees..."

Bucky turned his head, "What?"

"The trees! Run for the trees!" She exclaimed and pointed her finger towards the door. She grabbed Scott's arm and tugged, urging him and the others to go with her.

Scott objected, "The trees are just as obvious as the shed!–"

" –But we can get to them faster! And they're at the back of the house, so we can at least get some distance between us and them before they start to look there." She explained, still pulling at the boys' arms.

Bucky tried to pull away, but her grip was too strong on his real arm. "Wanda, are you sure?"

This time, she whipped around to face him – annoyed. "If you happen to get any better ideas, let me know." She spat, backing up to grab the door handle and sprinting for the field of trees.

Scott, whom was still in the house with the other two, turned anxiously to Sam, "Sam?" He gestured to the open door – hoping that he would decide they shouldn't go.

Instead of Scott's desired response, Sam shrugged his shoulders, "You heard the woman!" He darted out the door, following Wanda's route and adding, "Go!"

Scott exhaled sharply, gave Bucky a look of worry, and took off running. He closed the door silently, trying hard not to make any loud noises, and then ran to catch up with them.

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