Chapter 10

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Steve and Natasha had stayed in the jet, whereas Clint had been waiting not-so-patiently for the woman at the front desk to get off the phone. The woman was still mid-call when the words 'daddy' caught his ear. He looked over his shoulder.

"Daddy!" A soft voice called once more.

That's when he saw her. A little girl in a yellow sundress and her hair braided in two – his little girl. She stood there, jittery and all, with her hands at her side and her heels bouncing up and down.

His eyes met hers – her big brown ones and oh, how they sparkled with avidity. He exhaled, "Lila..."

She beamed a smile, the same exact smile she had on every time Clint came home from a long day at work. She wiggled eagerly in her spot down the hallway, and she began to run towards him.

"Hey, pumpkin!" He laughed as she approached but as soon as she jumped into his arms, he was rendered speechless. This was his daughter – his only daughter. This was his baby girl – his princess; his everything she's supposed to be and more. And he hugged her tight as if he didn't intend to let go, which for the moment, he didn't.

"I missed you so much." he whispered and planted a soft kiss on the top of her tiny head.

"I missed you too..." She returned, and hugged him tighter before continuing sadly, "I didn't think you were coming back..."

Clint opened his eyes looked down at her as she rested her head on his shoulder. He rubbed her back, "I told you I would, you know."

"I know," She said quietly and looked up at him, "But you've lied before."

Clint held her gaze. "Never to you, though. I can promise you that."

Lila nodded and leaned her head back on his shoulder, closing her eyes. Clint smiled softly, "You sleepy?"

"Mmhm," she yawned and rubbed her eyes with her free hand.

Clint placed his hand on the back of her head and whispered, "Well that's good... the ride will go by faster if you sleep on the jet."

She opened one eye, "Are we going home?"

He sighed and looked at her, "Not yet, sweetheart. But we will... soon."

"How soon?" She asked.

Clint rubbed his nose against hers and gave her an Eskimo kiss, "Very soon."

After a few short moments, he rubbed her back and asked her, "Hey... where's your mom and your brothers?"

Lila lifted her head up. "Mommy's back in the beds-room–"

"Beds-room?" He asked, confused. "You mean bedroom?"

"No, mommy and I call it the beds-room - with an 'S'. It's the big room with lots of beds for the homeless people." She said.

He chuckled, "Okay?"

"Cooper and I were going to get water bottles, but I came out of the bathroom and he wasn't there like he said he would be." She explained.

"Oh..." Clint exhaled, "So that's why you're in the lobby all by yourself."

Lila nodded, "I was looking for him. He probably went back to the beds-room."

Clint sat her down on her feet and patted her on the back, "Shall we go round them up?" He asked. She nodded, and he gave her a playful shove forward, "Alright! Let's go!"

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