Part 1

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I found myself in a dark moonlit forest, but I didn't have time to stay because I was being chased by something. I ran through the forest, dodging all of the branches and bushes, trying not to trip over anything. Whatever was chasing me had me terrified, and I couldn't stop myself to see just what it was.

I sensed it was very close behind me, hearing it breathe down my neck. I soon sensed others chasing me, but they were beside me. That's when it hit me, I was being led somewhere, like a pack of wolves guiding a deer to its death. But even with that realization, I couldn't stop running.

And just like in those animal documentaries, I soon saw what they were leading me to. Another one, who leapt at me and knocked me on my back. In the light glow of the moon I could see its silhouette. It looked like a very large wolf, but its eyes were very human, as were the front paws in was using to pin my arms down.

It was about to end my life when there was a bark and it pulled back, standing on its hind legs and walking away. It was definitely a werewolf. I would've stood, but fear held me back. Another werewolf walked into my view, it must've been the one that barked, because the other werewolf lowered its ears and tail in submission.

The beast stared at me for awhile, its eyes were full of deep emotion. I was pulled in and couldn't take my eyes off. That was when it sprang upon me, breaking my neck.

I woke with a gasp, clenching my sheets with my hands. It was a nightmare. Just a nightmare. But it felt so real. I turned my eyes up to look at my alarm clock. Six o' clock glowed in a cool green. I sighed. Time to get up. I shakily sat up in my bed and paused for a moment to think on my nightmare.

It wasn't strange for me to have nightmares or dreams about werewolves, because I was obsessed with them. Always watching shows and movies about them, and reading all kinds of books on them. From horror to romance, I read them all. But no dream had ever felt so real before. That was the scary thing about it.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom to begin my morning routine of brushing my teeth, brushing my hair and showering. Once I was done with those three things, I got changed into my work clothes and walked into the kitchen of my tiny one bedroom house. I had a bowl of cereal while watching a bit of the morning news.

Nothing was too exciting or interesting. And only one thing pertained to me, they were still on the hunt of the murderer of a woman. I had investigated the crime scene myself, and only a sicko would maul a body to that extent and not bury or hide it.

There were no things to trace it back to the killer and there was only one witness, but they weren't sure if it was the suspect. He did look particularly bloody, though, and was seen walking away from the scene of the crime. The witness managed to get a good look at him, too, on the fact that the man just stared at the witness. But the sketch wasn't enough, due to the fact that the man was wearing sunglasses. He was also smoking a cigar, had a calm look and his skin was deathly pale.

Definitely a sicko. And that was all they had of him, which was why he still wasn't caught, even after a week of intense searching. I wished I could do the searching, but that wasn't my job. I was just there to examine the crime scene and gather the forensic evidence. Speaking of my job, I looked at the clock. It was now seven. If I left now, I'd be on time.

I turned off the TV and put my empty bowl in the sink. I grabbed my purse and my keys and exited the house, locking the door behind me. I got into my car and drove off to my job. On the days I wasn't called to investigate a crime scene, I was in the lab examining the evidence. I absolutely loved it, even though it was mostly a boring job.

Halfway to the lab my phone rang and I answered it through my car. It was none other than my boss.

"Where are you right now?" he asked me.

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