2. Switched

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They are already at the middle of the road from Konoha and Suna, but Temari didn't said anything.

"Hey, Temari, are you okay?"

"Yes, why?" , asked Temari a bit scared.

"You haven't said anything. What's happening with you?"

"Well...is it something between you and Shikamaru?"

"What's this question? Of course not. He is your boyfriend."

"But...if he wouldn't be?"

"Why do you ask this Temari? No. He is my best friend. Even more best than Sakura."

"Well, he seemed really worried for you. More than for me."

"Look, yes, he is always worried for me. Because he knows that i'm getting one's lumps and I'm getting in trouble sometimes. He's making his duty of best friend. I don't think I could be more than a friend for him."

"But his duty as a boyfriend?"

"Temari, you and Shika are forming the cutest couple I've ever seen in my life."

"Thank you, Ino. Sorry for my gelozy crisis."

"It's okay, come here." Then Ino hugged Temari.

~meanwhile in Konoha~

"You cannot keep lie to her. You said that you'll break up with her today before her leaving." Said Chouji.

"I couldn't. I can't smash her feelings. I know she loves me."

"But you don't love her."

"I loved her once."

"But now you love another girl."

"Who can't see me as more than a friend." said Shikamaru disappointed.

"You can't know that. Ino is complicated and she doesn't show her feelings often. I don't think she would tell you if she would love you. Maybe she thinks just like you: I'm his best friend, he would never love me in that way, blablabla."

"Stop Chouji. This is not helping me at all."

"Sorry. But when she's coming back to the village you have to confess your feelings for her. And to break up with Temari. Call her, or send her a message with We're breaking up."

"Oh, you will never understand how hard is for me to break up with Temari. I won't do that...for the moment. I'll see what I'll do. Bye Chouji."

"Bye, Shikamaru."

"So...Shikamaru is in love with Ino. I can't let this happen. Ino is mine." thought Sai who was listening behind a wall the conversation between Shikamaru and Chouji.

~back to Suna~

"Oooh, we're finally here. What a long trip. My legs are death. Please tell me you have ice here." Complained Ino who was also starving.

"Yes we have." Said Temari laughing. " And what about some food. I'm really hungry."

"That would be really great, my friend."


"Sooo...this man can Be trusted, right?"

"Totally. He's a wizard."

"A wizard?! Asked Ino stupefied.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

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