10. Feeding him

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Ino, Sakura and Naruto are eating at Ichiraku. Naruto still tries to make Sakura to be his girlfriend, and Sakura just push him away for no reason.

"Hey, Sakura, I need to tell you something."

"Okay, say."

"Well, I can't." said Ino watching at Naruto. Sakura understood what the blondie girl said.

"Hey, Naruto, could you leave?" askes the pinkie girl to the jinchuuriki who's in love with her."


"Because Ino must tell me something very important and is a girl's secret. So please."

"Ahh, okaaay." he said a bit sad living his favourite place from the whole world. But he doesn't leave actually. He remains after the corner listening to the girls' chit-chat.

"Okay, so, now that he left, jow long will you reject him? You know you like him." said Ino.

"Oh is just...Hinata likes him too, and I'm good friend with Hinata. I couldn't do this to her." said Ino with a sad smile.

"Oh, yes, I forgot about that. It's strange situation."

"Whaat? Hinata-chan likes me? And Sakura-chan too? Oh, this is going to be a bit strange. But Sakura-chan likes me and this makes me so happy." thought Naruto.

"Anyways, what you wanted to tell me? I don't think it was about Naruto."

"Yes, well..." Ino took a big breath then she started to talk.

"So, you know that Shikamaru is again in a relationship with Temari, right?"


"And you know that it was very hard for me when I heard that."

"Oh, yes, sweetie, you cried a lot." responded Sakura simpathetically.

"Well, I met this guy. His name is Koudai Kenta. You know him. He's from Kenta clan."

Oh, hell..." thought Sakura.

"And he helped me yesterday with the gardening. Then, when he left, he gave me a rose and told me that he would like to see each other again."

"Oh, dear leave this boy alone. I didn't heard very good thing about him. He has an honorable family, but he is...not that honorable. I saw something in Hokage's office."

"Well, he could help me to get over Shika."

"Ino, you're beautiful and smart. All the boys from Konoha like you. And you can choose every boy you want to go over Shikamaru. But not Koudai Kenta. Understood?" said Sakura being very very serious.

"Oh, Sakura, what a drag."

"You just spoke like Shikamaru." said Sakura giggling.

"Oh, hell, that boy. Why am I loving him so much?" asked Ino.

"So...Ino loves Shikamaru now? What's happening here?" asked Naruto himself being very bulversed.


For a certain reason Ino was happy by Sakura's response. She can't give up on Shikamaru. What if Koudai was nice with her? What if he gave her a rose? If Sakura has right and he is a bad boy wich makes bad thing? And not in that "cool" definition of a bad boy. In time that she thinks at all these possibilities someone take a seat near her on the bench.

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