14. The kiss

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Sakura turn out her face to see Shikamaru and Temari together laughing and kissing. "Hell, so this is why she cry." thought Sakura.

She found Ino in the bathroom of a shop. Her sighs can be heard from the door. She walked in the coridor of that bathroom and tried to find her after those sighs.

"Ino? Are you here?" Sakura asked worried.

"No." she responded back. "Leave!"

"Ino, I'm here to help you. I saw Temari and Shikamaru. She looks beautiful."

"You're kidding me? How will this make me feel better? You suck at this, Forehead." 

"Look, you two can't be together because of Hokage's orders and you just can't continue to..." Ino cut her off.

"I heard this fucking thing a lot of times.  What I can't continue? To what? To love him? After he kissed me?" she said really crazy.

"He what?" screamed Sakura surprised. "Look, get out from that cabin and come here and tell me what happened between you two, hn?" she said now with a gently tone.


Ino told to Sakura everything what happened between she and Shikamaru today when she was at him to cook dinner for his parents, but mr. and mrs. Nara came early in the afternoon. Then she told her about they suspecting that Sai took that picture of them.

"Sai? Are you sure?"

"I know hat I saw a figure relative like him and pale skin. Who else looks like Sai and has pale skin?" asked Ino.

"You're right, nobody. But we need need prooves to proof that this was his complot."

"His complot..." thought Ino. "When you make a complot you can't make it alone, right? So he should have an acccomplice, right?" she asked to the cherry blossom.

"You're right. If we can find this person, you can enter in her mind and see what Sai have done and why." said Sakura smiling.

"Yes, you're right. you're brilliant, Pinkie!" 

"Wait, wouldn't be easier to enter directly in Sai's mind? 

"No, I tried this before. His mind is faded, I can't see through him." responded the purple.

"All right, we will do this tomorrow. Until then, let's have some fun. Stop thinking about that kiss, Ino. Now he's with her. Show him that you don't need him, that you're not his toy."

"But I'm not his toy. He would never treat me like that." responded Ino with a sad tone.

"I know that, sweetie. But let's go, our friends are waiting for us." They both exited from the shop and started to party with their friends at the carnival.

"Hey, you know what I always aked myself?" asked Hinata to her friends.

"What?" asked Kiba.

"Why is this named a carnival when we all come with gala dresses and suits." she said.

"Because they have games wich can be found at normal carnivals." responded Shikamaru who just came with Temari in the circle of friends. They were all dancing there, but Shikamaru heard her question.

"Oh, thank you, Shikamaru-kun."

"You're welcome, Hinata." he said.

"Hey, Ino, how are you." asked Temari with a large smile.

"Hello, Temari. I'm fine. You have fun?"

"Yes, a lot. By the way, I didn't apologized about the thing with the bodies." said Temari seeming to be sorry. "I'm really sorry about what happened then, I was so jealous. And now I understood that there's nothing between you and Shikamaru and that that picture from the Hokage is out from her context." she said. 

"I accept your apologize." said Ino being sad but masking this. Her luck that outside is night.

"So, friends again?" asked Temari.

"Yes." Ino said and they hugged. She felt a bit inconfortable, but after all, Temari was her friend, and she always coulded trust her, before the unhappy event with the changed bodies.

A slow dance came and everybody has a pair, less Ino who came alone, so she was just sitting on the margin. nowThis was his chance. Sai invited Ino to dance. She felt sick about the thought to dance with him, but she accepted because it was to awkward to be the only person to sit on the margins. 

"Hey, Ino-chan, are you okay? You seem to be strange." he said.

"Oh, yes, I'm okay. Thanks for the invitation at the dance."

"You're welcome." Meanwhile they dance, a genial idea came in her mind and suddenly started to smile because of that.

"Why are you smiling, Ino-chan?" 

"Oh, just having good time, that's why."

"I'm happy to hear that." he said smiling.

"So...any friend of yours who's here?" she asked.

"Oh, no, just Koudai's here. You met him as I know."


"I heard that he felt for you." 

"That's true, but I rejected him because of Tsunade-sama."

"Oh. He was really upset. We're best friends, you know?"

"Till when?"

"Like one month."

"Oh, I understand. I'm happy for you." she said.

"Ino-chan..." he tries to tell her something, but she sees that he has a lot of emotions and he can't talk.

"What is it? Tell me."

"I...I still love you." She remained shocked.

"I know that you're a bit vulnerable now, but I really love you." he said then his lips sticked by her lips. Hell, this feels like shit for Ino. She frees herself from his kiss and from his hug and starts to run and to lost in the crowd, hoping that he won't find her. She's panicked. She abstain from crying, but the tears still exist in her eyes. It's clear, he still loves her, but she doesn't. She loves Shikamaru, but Shikamaru seems to love Temari in fact. Now her decision is taken. She doesn't need boys anymore in her life.

The carnival is over and everybody goes home. She leaves alone, before her friends. Everybody's concerned for Ino who's nowhere to be found so they call her, but she sends a message to Sakura who says that she's already home. Shikamaru felt that something happened with Ino. She surely saw him with Temari. Maybe that's why she left alone. Usually he takes her to her house. But now...more than sure something happened. 

"Love, are you okay? You look concerned for something." said Temari.

"No, I'm just tired. I'll be alright, I promise." said Shikamaru sketching a fake smile.

"Okay, I'm going at the hotel, will you escort me?" she asked smiling.

"No, I must arrive home, sorry."

"Okay, good night." she kissed him then he left with his friends.

In her bedroom Ino started to cry in bed. This night was awful. But now her decision is a finale one. She really doesn't need boys in her life anymore, and she's sure about it.

This chapter is a bit short, sorry about that. Anyways, what had to happen it happened. :3
I hope you enjoyed this chapter :3 Please tell me your opinions about it and don't forget to vote/comment. See ya :D

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