7. A dangerous mission

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In that night Shikamaru has slept like a baby, but just because of his big laziness. He was as happy as Ino. On the other side, Ino couldn't sleep not at all. All what she was thinking about was Shikamaru and their walk from the park. And now the good part is that he and Temari are no longer in a relationship, so they could be together. Just if she would know what he feels for her. She's not sure at all. Maybe he couldn't think at her in that way. What happened between them in the park was maybe no more than a best friends' moment.

In the next morning Ino already was at the hospital. The patient from yesterday was Genma and he still needs a lot of medical help. Shikamaru woke up as lazy as never then an ANBU member came at his house. "Nara Shikamaru, Hokage-sama calls you right now." said the masked men then he disappeared in a cloud of fog. "As troublesome as always." he thought.


Shikamaru knocked in the door of the Hokage. He can hear other 2 masculine voices along Tsunade's. "Come in."

"You called me, Tsunade-sama." said the Nara boy full of laziness.

"Yes, Shikamaru. I will send you in a mission with Naruto and Sai. You will be the leader of this team. The mission is to capture Gerou Wanashi and to bring him in Konoha's prison. Our informations are telling us that he hides in Sunagakure. Succes!"

"But..Hokage-sama...Gerou Wanashi is..." said Shikamaru panicked, but he was cut off by Tsunade.

"I know well who is he. But I trust you to finish this."

The 3 boys have left to prepare for the mission, but Shikamaru must talk to Ino firstly. "For sure I will find her at the hospital." he thought.

She was there, in a room from the hospital, searching for something. Her blonde long ponytail was as gracious as her and he think just at the fact that this could be the last time when he sees her. Her perfect face, her perfect smile, her perfect body, her perfect hair, her perfect almonds smell.

"Ino? Do you have a minute?"

"Sorry, Shika, but I can't right now. Genma needs severe medical help. Maybe later after I finish here?" she said continuing to search for what she's searching.

"I'm going in mission." he said calmly.
Ino stopped suddenly from searching. She turned to face Shikamaru. Her face looked scared.

"What mission?" she asked on a worried tone.

"I think you already know." she started to cry then she tried to talk with him.

"No, don't go. All our shinobis have returned dead. Please, no. Genma is the only one who came back alive and look at how is he now. I don't let you go there. You will die, and I don't want to lose you. Please!" she said while her tears are streaming on her face.

"Hey, I will not die. I returned alive from all my missions. This time I will return alive too I promise." he said with a fake smile on his face.

"I just came here to say goodbye. I'll see you next week maybe. Yes?" he said. But he didn't trusted that. He thinks too that he's going in a suicidal mission, and this is his last chance to see the girl he loves.

"Yes." she said stop crying.

"Hey, I'll be back until your birthday. I'll come with a nice present for you." She started to laugh.

"Okay, Shika-boy. Go there and return victorious. I'll wait here for you. I trust you." she said with another fake smile. "Damn', this smiles are more fake than Sai's smiles." Thought Ino.
He hugged her, then a last goodbye was spoken by the both of them in the same time.
Ino was sitting there, crying immediately after Shikamaru's departure. In that moment Sakura entered in the room asking why Ino's not in Gemma's room yet. When she enters she sees that her friend is crying.

"Hey, what happened? I saw Shikamaru how he exited from the hospital and he looked sad too. What happened between you 2?" Asked Sakura being very worried.

"He's going to capture Gerou Wanashi." Ino said between tears.

"Oh, sweetheart, he will come back. I'm sure of that."

"Yes, that's what he promised me."

"See?" said Sakura with a nice smile. "Now c'mon, Genma needs our help." 


Shikamaru and Sai were waiting for Naruto at Konoha's gates. He lates because the ramen from Ichiraku's ramen wouldn't eat it alone. As long as they were waiting for the Kyuubi boy, Shikamaru was trying to concentrate his mind and Sai was drawing. "This mission is the perfect occasion for me to destroy him." thought Sai with an evil smile on his face: a real smile.

"Hey, Sai, why do you smile like this?" asked Naruto who just arrived.

"Oh, nothing, just my thoughts." he said smilig friendly to Naruto.

"Myeah, sure."

"Okay, now that we all are here, we must make the plan for capture that murderer. I will stay in front of the line, becuase I can catch him easily with my shadow. Naruto will be after me because he could jump behind me and use his techniques and Sai will be the last for having time to draw something that could help us. Alright?" explained Shikamaru.

"Hai!" Naruto and Sai responded at the unison.

"Now, let's go, dattebayo!"  

A bit short this chapter, but I will try to make longer chapters in the future. I hope you liked this little chappy, and please let me know what you think.
Also, I'd want to thanks to @lopezada52 who always tells me her opinions. This determinates me to continue the story. Thank you so much :D 

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