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Shikao: He is 12 years old, and is the oldest boy of Ino and Shikamaru. He looks like his father and is as smart as him, but he's very noisy, like his mom. He has Shikamaru's and Ino's abilities.
Inona: She is Shikao's little sister and she is 11 years old. She's blonde, very smart and quiet as his father. She also has both's abilities.
Cora and Shina: Naruto and Sakura's daughters. They are twins and they both have 12 years old.
Temari: She is married with Shino (that was completely random) and have 1 kid together(a girl). Temari never comploted again against Ino. The only time when she comploted was when she changed bodies with Ino.  She really seemed sorry about what she has done to her. They are very good friends now. Shikamaru broke up finally with her after Tsunade agreed his relationship with his current wife.
Sai: He was killed in a mission. (sorry, I have nothing with him, I really like him, but this is just for the story)
He's in prison for all the crimes he deployed. He was really sorry about what he had done to Ino and Shikamaru even if they never were friends.

Kiba and Hinata: They have 4 children together and a lot of dogs. And are married too.
Gaara and Matsuri: They are married and have 1 little baby named Akane. She's a girl. (Hmm, that would be so cute, I believe that Matsuri and Gaara would be cute together)
Neji and TenTen: (Here, Neji isn't death) The couple isn't married yet, but they have 2 boys and live together.
Chouji and Karui: They're married and have a daughter named ChouChou. =)
Ino and Shikamaru:
They married 13 years ago, when they both had 22 years. They have a beautiful relationship and these 2 wonderful kids. 

Thank you so so much for voting my book, for liking it, for tell me everything you thought about it <3  Thank you that you supported me in every chapter I wrote in this book. Can't believe that this is the final. Wow. Thank you, again! <3 And of course, if you want more ShikaIno, my other book is opened and soon I'll post there too.

I'll see you again there <3 
Don't forget, I love you all <3 <3 

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