19. Now everything is perfect

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One week later Koudai was trapped by Shikamaru and Chouji and dragged in the Interrogation Room from Hokage's Tower. There Ino was waiting with a helmet wich will be connected at a screen that will show his memories. The platinum blonde said to TonTon to call Tsunade-sama to show her something. When the hime arrived she asked furious what's happening and why these kids are using the room without her permission. Then Ino showed her what she wanted to show. The memories with Sai. The proof that the picture wasn't what she thought. Ino ans Shikamaru were hoping that Tsunade will reconsider her decision wich watched Ino and Shikamaru's lives. 

"This is outrageous!" said the Hokage. "Sai and Koudai will be immediately punished!" she yelled.

"Kids, I'm really sorry about what I have done to you. And Ino, for forcing you to date with who you didn't wanted to." said Tsunade.

"It's okay, Tsunade-sama. Now you know the truth." said Ino.

"These 2 young males will be punished, of course. They won't escape with that."
"Shizune! Disconnect this boy from the helmet. I'll talk with he and Sai later!" exclaimed the blonde Hokage.

"By the way, we need to talk something with you, Hokage-sama." said Shikamaru.

"Okay, let's go in my office then." 

In the office:

"So, what you wanted to talk to me, kids?" she asked with her neutral tone.

"We..." tries Ino to say.

"We actually hope that you will lift the ban of us not to date." said Shikamaru.

"Why would I do that? You musn't date!!" 

"Well....we're kinda' together now, and..." was trying the Nara boy to explain.

"It can't be. You are not forming a couple because of the Ino-Shika-Chou formation. I'm sorry, but these are the rules, kids." said Tsunade not being agressive and angry this time.

"What rules, Tsunade-sama?! Our families are okay with this. They know about us and they didn't interdicted us." said the blonde Yamanaka girl.

"I don't believe such a lie." she responded.

"But this is true!" exclaimed Shikamaru.

"Shizune!! Call the Yamanakas, the Naras and the Akimichis!" 

"Hai, Tsunade-sama!"

"What the Akimichis have to do with this?" asked Ino.

"You'll see." 


The 3 families have arrived in the Hokage's office wondering why have they been called. Ino and Shikamaru were on the hall being worried about their relationship and holding their hands tight.

In the office Tsunade was explaining the situation, she being convinced that they don't know about the relationship of their kids, and that they must be against this.

"Tsunade-sama, we know very well about their relationship. But we didn't know about this interdiction that you mentioned." said Shikamaru's mother.

"I interdicted them to date because of your families' formation. Is it a rule, right? You should interdict them too." 

"We don't have such a rule." said Inoichi. "Or maybe we have and we don't know about this. Shikaku?" asked Inoichi being sarcastic, trying to proove to the Hokage that she makes a mistake.

"No, we haven't." he responded drily. Tsunade's expression was suprised. She couldn't admit this, but they know better their formation.

"Tsunade-sama, let the kids be together, they don't do anything wrong." said Ino's mother. 

"Yes, the tradition can be continued even if they will be a couple." said Shikaku.

"Plus, we can't be sure if they'll marry, they are just 17, they're too young. They have time." said Inoichi.

"But the Akimichis must exprim their accord with this, right?" asked Tsunade.

"Is their life, Hokage-sama. We don't have a word to say in this situation." said Chouza.

"All right, then. They can form a couple." said Tsunade being pissed of.

Ino and Shikamaru were called back in the office. Their soul was distroyed, they had a lot of emotions. Inside everybody was smiling and they were bulversed.

"What is it? What's happening?" asked Ino.

"You are free. You can be a couple. Gomen." said Tsunade. The 2 were so happy that they kissed each other in front of their families. 

After this everything happened, Sai and Koudai's punish was to clean for one month Hokage's faces, everyday, and Tsunade's office too. 

Ino and Shikamaru were going to the field of flowers where he surprised her and remained there for a few hours, being happy for their new lives. She was standing in his arms being as happy as never.

"We will be like this forever, Shika?"

"Yes, babe. We will be like this forever." he smiled then kissed her in the most romantic and passional way. Now everything is perfect.


Wow, I really finished this story. Can't believe it :O is the first story that I finished.
Now, I must tell you that I finish this in tears, because I feel that this is the first summer that I didn't wasted. I've written this with pleasure, with a lot of pleasure. And after almost 2 months it's over. I must thank you for reading this <3 for voting and for tell me what you think <3 for supprting me, this was great <3 I'll post an epilogue, then a kind of "databook", you'll see. And even if the anime is almost over, I'll continue with my other fanfic named "Cu capul in nori" that you can find on my profile. Is a ShikaIno story too. 
So I'll see you. <3

In my body 
by Emm-chan

+bonus these very very cute cosplays <3 

+bonus these very very cute cosplays <3 

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