Chapter 3

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I was driving home happily, I was content, I felt relieved, Jo was on my mind. Whoa, JO WAS ON MY MIND! What kind of bullshit is my heart and brain trying to pull? I hang out with a girl for one day and they decide to work together and torment me with thoughts and feelings of her.

Well, I'm not falling for it. They've got the wrong guy. They should go try that shit on someone else who doesn't know better.

I decided to turn on the radio and Youth by Foxes comes on.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me. You too radio? You're in on this bullshit too? How cliche." I said then I turned it off.

I cannot let this escalate, so I thought of something else. I thought of Kaiwa.

I started getting worried because the last time I saw her, she looked like she got herself into something big. She's definitely going to need help.

I would've texted but from the looks of things, a phone is the last thing she'll have. Considering how strict her parents are.

Kaiwa's family fits right into the typical strict-Asians stereotype. Her parents expect nothing less than A minuses from her, they are always on top of her, she's supposed to go straight home after school, she's supposed to always look decent and not do any bad things.

However, Kaiwa certainly does not feed into that crap. She likes to do as she pleases regardless of her parents rules, which I consider a little over the top. I mean c'mon, no bad things? Dress decently ALL the time? Pfft. Bullshit. 
She gets A's because she's serious about her school things but aside from that, she smokes weed, she drinks, she parties... hard, she doesn't go straight home after school. She's pretty much care free.

She says she does the things she does because her parents are rich people, with high statuses and all the strict rules are for their reputation not hers. Don't get her wrong, her parents are a happy couple but they just don't get along with her, and she wants their attention but they just don't understand her tactics so, for everything she does wrong, she gets punished.

Instead they should be trying to figure out the roots of the problem because she gets in trouble so often, it's like breathing.

However this time, it looks really bad. She's never had the cops on her before because it tampers with her school records so she knows to be careful. That's why I'm beyond surprised and curious.

So, I decide to get some possible intel and text Shameik right when I got home.

Here's how the conversation went:

Me: Hey bro

Shameik: Sup, yo what happened with Kaiwa. She looks like she's in deep shit dude.

Me: Yea I saw her get escorted by a cop and her father and two K-9 dogs. It looked real bad. I was gonna ask u if u know what happened cuz i dont know shit man.

Shameik: Nah bro, I don't know. We gotta find out cuz she gonna need some help dealing with her parents from hell dude.

Me: Fr, but yo what if Kaiwa did something real bad this time.

Shameik: Nah I don't think so cuz she's always careful you know

Me: True but we still gotta find out cuz it looked crazy.

Shameik: yea u right but I gotta go. I got homework and shit so see u at school.

Me: Aight bro. later.

So, Shameik doesn't know shit. He never knows shit with his white ass.

When I first met him, his name took me by surprise.

So here's the deal. His parents are the type of people that go through phases like the vegan phase, or the all natural phase meaning no deodorant or perfume and all those types of stuff. They went through the whole peace love and happiness phase, and were really passionate about the black lives matter campaigns.

They fell in love with the black heritage so when they were pregnant, they decided to honor it by naming their child after their very close friend that passed away who was black and his name was Shameik. They Even changed their names too in "honor."

His mom was Luisa, she changed it to Kiyana, after Shamiek's mother.

His dad was Chad, he changed it to Langston after Langston Hughes.

It's a little over the top. Actually, the word for it is "ridiculous."

When I first met him, and he told me his name, I laughed because I did not see that name for him. I was expecting him to say Earl or James or something like that because he looks like an Earl or James. But nope, I got hit with Shameik. Then when he explained to me the story of how he ended up with that name, I couldn't help but laugh hysterically because it was hilarious. He was a little angry and I saw it in his facial expression so I tried hard and stopped laughing. He starred at me for a little moment then bursted out laughing, then I started laughing. We both were laughing for a pretty good time.

That's how we became friends.

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