Chapter 13

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I called Shameik, Kaiwa and Jo to meet me in front of school even though it's a Saturday, but to my surprise, they showed up. They all look pissed at me and I don't blame them, I'm an asshole.

"Hey guys," I said as I rubbed my sweaty palms on my ripped jeans.

"What the fuck Jonah? I've missed you and I've been worried about you and you've been ignoring me." Jo said in a calm disappointed voice.

"I know and I'm sorry. I invited you guys because I have a proposition and an apology."

"A proposition? Jonah why am I here because I'm getting the vibe that you and your friends have some issues with each other right now and it's making it really awkward for me so I think I'm gonna go."

"No wait don't go, please hear me out."

She rolled little rocks on the floor on the bottom of her right shoe as she was trying to decide whether to stay and listen to my bullshit, or leave and be done with me. If I were her, I'd leave and be done with me.

"Okay fine talk." Jo said, folding her arms and leaning against her car.

Wrong choice, but I carried on.

"Kaiwa, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for treating you the way I did, I'm sorry for claiming you like you were a thing, like you were any less of a person." I took a little pause then said, "I just got worried and overprotective and I'm sorry."

Then I moved on to Shameik

"Shameik, I'm sorry for not being a better friend, I'm sorry for being selfish and ignorant. I'm sorry for not being here for you because I know right now you need a good friend by your side and I'm sorry."

Then on to Jo.

"Jo, I'm sorry for avoiding you without giving you a reason, I'm sorry for worrying you, I'm sorry for not trying hard enough to further the relationship we have into something better. Basically I'm sorry for being an ass to you all."

There was a dead silence, Shameik and Kaiwa slyly looked at each other as if they were trying to agree on a response without talking to each other.

"Okay you know what, this is getting unbearably awkward because I'm feeling so lost. I accept your apology Jonah but what the fuck is going on?" Jo said, looking weary eyed.

"Can I tell her?" I asked Kaiwa.

She nodded, then proceeded to lean against her car door.

So I proceeded, "Well, so Kaiwa is pregnant with Shameik's baby and I got paranoid at first because I though the baby was mine, then I got pissed when I found out it wasn't mine but Shameik's baby. It all just escalated too quick."

"Whoa, you're pregnant, that's... wow." Jo said, in slight disbelief but mostly acceptance, it was visible on her face.

"Yea, I'm pregnant and I'm keeping the baby but my parents are kicking me out soon, or at least they've been threatening to." Kaiwa said looking down at the ground.

Shameik leaned over to her and gave her a short lasting hug and whispered to her,"It's gonna be okay."

That made me cringe a little even though we're on good terms so I tried not to show it, because I'm trying to move past this and get us all somewhere better.

"So, uh I've been thinking, how about we go on a road trip. All of us, we can take two cars, maybe mine and Jo's since we have the larger cars if that's fine with you Jo. We could enjoy this summer, which is the easy part of our lives right now before the hard part comes. We can go around America, Kaiwa you've always wanted to see New York so let's make that happen." I started laying it all out.

"I know its all so sudden but that's why I called you guys, so we can figure this out together, so none of us have to be in pain alone. Let's be pained together. So what do you guys think?" I said rubbing my sweaty palms on my ripped jeans once again.

The dead silence found it's way back to us. They were shocked and surprised but then Kaiwa started smiling. Man have I missed that smile. "I'm in" she said.

"I mean I've tried processing all the things that could possibly go wrong, but my mind just keeps thinking 'fuck it' so fuck it," she continued.

I have to admit, her sudden burst of 'fuck it' gave me good chills.

"I mean I guess, I'm in as well and I'm okay with us using my car. I could use some less barbie bitchy so called friends." Jo said.

I was beginning to get excited.

"Let's be pained together," was Shameik's response.

Boom! my happy canon heart exploded.

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