Chapter 15

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          It's Saturday and this Saturday just happens to be particularly boring. Right as I'm about to go play some video games, I get a call from Jo asking if she can come over and without hesitation I said she could. 

She texts me saying she's at the door, I hurry to the door and as I get to it I run my hand through my hair, pull my shirt down and rub my sweaty palms on the side of my faded jeans, then I open it.

"Hey," I said, stepping aside so she could come in. 

She stepped in, I close the door and my mom walks in the living room eating her pineapple greek yogurt. 'Nooooooooooooooooo!!' Im screaming in my head.

"Hi" my mom said hugging Jo with one arm and holding her yogurt on her other hand. She's never met her but I can tell that she's just excited that a new girl is in the house and she came alone.

Jo smiles and says hi back. It looked genuine. 

"Mom this is Jo, Jo this is my mom, Leslie." I say before my mom says any thing else.

"Nice to meet you Jo. Come in, come in and have a seat," my mom says walking to the couch in her slightly over-sized yoga pants, rug shoes, a big sweater and her long brown ponytail swaying with every move she made. 

She sat on the couch with her legs crossed, still eating her yogurt. Jo and I sat on the couch across from hers. 

"So Jo, are you his girlfriend?" My mom asked looking excited like a teenage girl looking for some gossip. 

Jo laughed and said, "I don't know." Then she turned to look at me and said, "am I?"

I was surprised by this because we never declared it official. So with a shrug I said, "Well, do you wanna be?"

"No idiot, that's not how you do it, ask her like you're proposing right here right now Jonah." My mom said giving me the butterfly ring she had on her finger.

I took it, got on my knees in front of Jo and said with a huge smile, "Josephine Carlyle, would you be my girlfriend?" 

"Oh my God! Yes! Yes Jonah Winston. I will be your girlfriend." Jo said, pretending to cry tears of Joy and proceeded to kissing me. 

I got up, put my fist in the air and screamed, "She said yes!"

We were all laughing.

"I'll leave you two newly 'weds'  alone, you can go upstairs for the honeymoon." My mom said smiling, still with her yogurt and walking away with her swaying ponytail. She then turned around and added, "but don't literally have your honeymoon, if you know what I mean." She said the last part with a wink. 

"Ew mom okay, got it." I said, waving her off.

Jo and I walked upstairs to my room, we sat on my bed. 

"Your mom seems fun." She said smiling at me bouncing on my bed. 

I chuckled and said, "Yea, she can be such a teenager sometimes."

"I think it's cool. I wish my mom was like that." 

"Will I get to meet her?" 

"Yea, but it will certainly not be like this trust me" She said, with a non convincing smile.

"Like what?"

"Fun. It won't be fun." She said, her voice sounding sad.

"What's she like?" I asked, turning, putting my right knee inward my bed and my left leg outside my bed, this way I was facing her.

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