We agreed to the plan, now executing it was the next part.
We needed to figure out the complications concerning Kaiwa.
She could get too stressed and it's not good for the baby, so I've heard.We needed to figure out how much money we would need if we're going to be road tripping for a whole month, I don't have a job but I have little money saved up from my weekly $20 allowance from my mom and my piece of shit father, Gregory gives me $300 every month. So after spending some of it and saving some of it, in total, I have $2,150 from the last 3 months. If I had just saved the money I would have $2,580.
I had to call them all so we could figure this out together because my brain was already starting to fry from thinking of all the things we need, and I'm saying to myself 'damn it Jonah, you just had to go and be all adventurous and shit.'
I invited them all over to my house, this would be the first time Jo's coming over. We haven't really hung out or talked much it's been a little distant between us and I'm going to try and change that because, I actually have my mind made up on her and I'm trying to change my noncommittal ways.
"Wow, so this is your mansion huh?" Jo said as she stepped in.
"Trust me, it's no mansion." I said to her then kissed her on her cheek.
I hugged Kaiwa and it felt weird because I felt her bump, I can't believe she's three months pregnant already. She's not showing much because she wears loose shirts but she can't hide it forever, sooner or later everyone will know.
I playfully rubbed Shamiek's ginger hair, and as expected he pushed me off and fixed his hair.
"Okay gang, we need to put our heads together and figure shit out. I have $2,150 saved up but there's four of us and two cars, we will definitely need more money." I said standing in front of them like I was some kind of leader which I definitely am not.
"Well, it's February we can have enough saved up by June." Kaiwa said.
"Shameik you're good at estimates and shit so how much do you think we'll need for a month on the road, from here Tennessee to New York and back?" I said as I walked up the stairs to my room and without having to say anything they followed.
"At least $10,000 to $15,000 this way we'll have more than enough and not get stranded." He said.
"I have some money saved too," Jo inputted as we entered my room.
"How much are we talking about here?" Kaiwa said sitting on my bean bag chair.
"Just about $5000, no biggie" Jo replied as she sat and bounced a little on my bed.
Surprised, I said, "No biggie? That is not no biggie. How long have you been accumulating $5000?" Then I proceeded to sitting next to her.
"Uh, a little over two weeks," She said shrugging.
"Damn girl, where and how do you get that kind of money? you should hook me up." Shameik said, leaning on my dresser.
Jo laughed a little and said, "It's my family as in my uncles and aunts, they all send in money to me every week. Not fixed amounts though, they vary. Sometimes it's $2000, sometimes it's $500, sometimes it's $5000 and they do this individually. So you see how I can't hook you up."
"Why do your uncles and aunts send so much money to you so often? What about your parents?" Kaiwa said in a suspicious tone which came off a little bitchy.
"Okay, back to the road trip, yea?" I quickly said, in order to avoid any argument that could have resulted, because I could see Jo's facial expression change into the bitch face she uses at school.
"Well, Jo we'll definitely need your uncles and aunts to keep doing their thing, while we plan ours." Shameik said.
"So, thanks to the all mighty wise google, I've figured out how we can maneuver our way to New York and how many stops we'll make." I said.
"Okay go on." Kaiwa said.
"We'll depart form here, Tennessee and make our way to New York by making eight major state stops which are, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland, New Jersey and finally New York. How does that sound?" I said feeling very accomplished.
"Sounds promising, but of course we sill need more like where we will sleep each night and the things we can do in those states. So I think we should all try to find interesting things in each state then, meet up again and put our ideas together." Jo said sounding very leader like and it made me admire her.
"Okay cool, but also how I can take care of myself and the baby while on the road so when's the deadline boss?" Kaiwa asked in a passive aggressive tone.
"In two days have it ready, let it make sense and don't let it be a complete fuck up." Jo said in her bitchy voice.
That made things very awkward so this time Shameik stepped in and said, "Okay got it. Kaiwa we should go remember you have an appointment by 5:00pm, so uh bye guys see you later." He quickly got up, helped Kaiwa up and they were on their way.
Jo was staring at the floor and I was staring at her, so I said, "Hey look at me"
She turned to me and I raised my eyebrow at her as if to say,"really?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud. I'm still trying to be nicer to people, well i'm trying to be nice to people that you're close to. I promise I'll try harder. "
"Yes, please try harder." I said intertwining our hands.
"I will I promise. I have to go soon, my cousins are coming over for dinner and unfortunately I have to be there." She said rubbing her thumb which had chipped purple nail polish on her nail on the knuckle of my index finger as our hand were still intertwined.
I laughed, then proceeded to lay down and said, "Why is that so unfortunate?"
"Because they're a bunch of irritating brats who care about nothing and no-one but themselves. They're selfish ingrates but because I love their parents, my uncles and aunts, I tolerate them." She said moving to lay down next to me with her head and left hand on my chest.
"Hmm just like because I love my mom, I tolerate her girlfriend." I said, running my hands through her short black hair.
"Exactly, except that your moms girlfriend is one person, I'm dealing with four." She said turning her head to look at me, with her chin on my chest.
"You'll be fine," I said kissing her forehead.
She closed her eyes for a few seconds, opened them again and said, "Aw it's getting late, I have to go now."
She got up, walked down to the front door and of course me following behind her. We got to the door and she kissed me on the lips then said, "Bye."
"Bye," I said looking like a twelve year old staring into a Justin Bieber poster.

Rapid Days Behind the Bars of Life
General FictionComplications of the teenage years can really be a hassle. The survival package includes only momentary bits of happiness.