Chapter 9

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SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO UPDATE!!! My friend from scotland is over and School's been a bitch... 

I am dedicating this bit to Emily again because THIS IS IT GIRL. THIS IS THE CHAPTER YOu HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. ENJOY IT.

Thank you all for reading it mean's the world!!!

Dean and Cas went around the back of the house to Cas’ window.

“Dean, you wait here and I’ll pass you things.”

Dean nodded and watched Cas disappear through the window.

Cas moved fast once he emerged into his room. He started by locking the door. Making sure to make as little noise as possible he loaded the few clothes he owned into one of the empty boxes in the corner of his room from the move. The box was still half empty so Cas started loading his art supplies on top of his clothes.

“Dean!” Cas whispered as he peered over the box he had lifted onto the windowsill.

“Yup!” Cas pushed the box forwards and felt Dean take it from him.

Cas went back into his room and loaded some of his other useless junk into a box. He stared up at his wall and started ripping some of his posters down. He carefully folded them back up and placed them in the box.

Suddenly, Cas stopped. His hand hovered over a group of pictures. They were pictures Cas himself had drawn when he was small. one picture showed their family happy together in a messy scribble of crayon but he could clearly see the smiles on the faces and the names of each of his siblings under each stick figure.

Cas felt anger heat up his cheeks and he ripped the pictures off the wall. He ripped them in half and dropped on his messy bed. He threw the rest of his stuff in the last box, making sure to not break his Ipod dock, and pushed it towards Dean.

“That’s it.” Cas quickly unlocked the door and climbed out of the window. Dean caught him as he dropped to the ground and the two of them grabbed the boxes and ran back down the hill.

Ellen was standing by the door to greet them when they arrived.

“Right boys. Through that door and up the stairs to your right.”

Cas and Dean nodded and went through the door as Ellen said. He and Dean dumped the two boxes on the mattress on the floor that was acting as his bedroom for a few months at least.

Cas sighed and sat on the mattress with his legs crossed. He felt Dean’s weight next to him and Cas leaned his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder.


Michael knocked on Cas’ door. He had heard Cas come in but wasn’t ready to talk. When no one came to the door Michael pushed the door open slowly.


When there was still no answer, Michael pushed the door open all the way. He gasped as he took in the bare walls and empty shelves of his younger brother’s room. Michael could see marks on the wall from where the blue-tack was when the posters were hung up. He could see the outlines of cups and all sorts in the dust on the shelves. Michael stood in the doorframe. It felt weird to be standing there and not seeing his brother’s sulking figure curled up on his bed. Michael sat down on the bed and heard the crumple of paper. He reached behind him and picked up some pieces of paper. Michael stared at the ripped paper in his hands. He recognised them as a drawing Cas had once done. He could see seven stick people in red crayon. He spotted his

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