Chapter 4

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You lucky duckies get another chapter today as an early celebration for my birthday tomorrow! :)

Dear anyone who knows me personally and is reading this: Do not groan when I mention a Springsteen song. You know perfectly well my song choice is limited to 20 odd Springsteen CD's!

The video in the side bar is "For you". You can listen to it if you want or not, I don't control your lives. You are independent make your own choices!

Hope you enjoy and remember to Vote or Comment! Love hearing from you all! 

Thanks cookies!

Cas pulled on his shoes and started his walk down to the coffee shop. He glanced at the Winchester’s house as he walked past it. He saw Dean talking to a blonde girl by their front door. Dean waved and Cas waved back and continued his walk.

“Ellen!” Cas walked in and was surprised to see not Jo but her mum behind the counter.

“Castiel! What a lovely surprise!” Ellen beamed as she came round to give Cas a hug.

“I heard your lot have moved in up the hill.”

“Yeah. I guess it was just too painful to stay in Pontiac.” Ellen gave a sympathetic nod and started making his coffee.

“Where’s Jo by the way?”

“She went up to see the new guy. Your neighbour I believe.”

“Dean Winchester?”

“That’s the one.”

Cas nodded absent mindedly and drank his coffee. He was surprised to feel a pang in his heart but he brushed it off and continued drinking his coffee.

As Cas walked back up the hill he spotted Jo and Dean sitting on the front lawn together and he sped up.

“Hey Cas!” Dean shouted after him.

“Oh hey Dean! Didn’t see you there!” Cas gave a nervous grin.

Cas kept walking until he reached the safety of his room. He needed to clear his head.

Why did it bother him so much that Jo and Dean might get together?

He should be happy for his best friend right?

Jo had a reputation as a heartbreaker and something about Dean getting his heart broken made him feel angry.

Cas had always been disapproving of Jo’s way with boys and she knew that.

“Just please let her not break Dean’s heart.”

Cas looked around his room. In one corner there were boxes of stuff he had not placed anywhere and there were posters lying on the floor. He plugged his Ipod in and began to properly decorate his room. He stuck his posters up all over the wall. Posters of bands that he liked, actors, actresses and some of his own drawings. He covered nearly every inch of blank wall. It made the room feel more like his own. He put all his drawing stuff on his desk and started putting things on shelves. Cas was surprised at all the stuff he found that he didn’t know he owned. He found his old swimming medals, a penknife that used to be his dad’s, a sketchbook from when he was 12 and some toy cars that Gabriel had once painted completely black for no apparent reason.

Cas heard a knock on the door but didn’t really think anything off it.

“It’s open!” Cas shouted over his shoulder and he heard the door creak open. Cas turned around to see who it was.

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