Chapter 5

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Hello MTV and welcome to my new update! Hope you enjoy this one!

I want to dedicate this to Tabea and I recommend you all go read her Tom Hiddleston FF "Rain" because it's fantastic!

Give yourselves a pat on the back for reading! Love to all my beautiful cookies!


Dean and Jo walked up the hill to Dean’s house. They had gone out for dinner and Dean had offered that Jo stayed at his. Jo looked beautiful when she had arrived and Dean had felt very underdressed in his Jeans and black blouse but they were the nicest things Dean owned at the minute. Dean opened the door stepped aside to let Jo in.

“Sorry about the mess but we haven’t quite finished unpacking just yet.”

Jo giggled. “It’s fine! I’ve seen worse.”

Just then John walked into the room and, much to Dean’s immense relief, he was sober and in a good mood.

“You must be Jo!” John smiled and shook Jo’s hand.

“Pleased to meet you Mr. Winchester.”

“John, please.”

“Ok well, Dad, Jo is staying over tonight so we’ll be upstairs if you need us.” Dean smiled at his dad and pulled Jo up the stairs to his room.

“Nice room!” Jo looked around Dean’s small room.

“It’s not much but it does its job.”

“Is this your mum?” Jo picked up a picture from Dean’s desk.

“Yeah.” Dean walked over to Jo and they looked at the picture together.

“She was beautiful.”

“Yeah. Yeah she was.” Dean smiled and Jo put the picture back in it’s place.

Together they sat on the bed.

“Do you miss her?”


“I like your sentimental side Dean. It’s a lot nicer than the macho act you try to keep up.” Dean smiled and locked eyes with Jo. Slowly Jo leaned in and connected their lips. Just before they connected another image flashed through Dean’s head. Momentarily he saw Cas. Not scared, anti-social Cas but the Cas he had seen this afternoon. For a split second Dean saw Cas standing next to him playing air guitar and grinning as Dean sang the lyrics at the top of his lungs. As he kissed Jo he couldn’t get that image out of his mind. He tried thinking of the amazing night out he had just had with Jo. He tried to think of how beautiful Jo had looked but somehow he kept thinking of Cas in that loose black t-shirt and skinny jeans.

Eventually he just closed his eyes and focussed on Jo’s lips on his. He focussed on how soft they felt and how her hair tickled his cheeks. He tried to focus on anything that was not the dark haired boy.

Eventually they broke their kiss and lay back on the bed. They chatted for a bit and after a while they fell asleep.

Cas was sat under a tree on the hill. He looked up at the stars and tried to name as many constellations as he could. Subconsciously he started picked a blade of grass and raised it to his lips. He heard the high-pitched whistle when he blew on it and immediately thought of Dean. Cas wondered how he and Jo were doing at the moment. Cas sighed as he imagined Dean and Jo in a tangle of covers in Dean’s bed. Cas squeezed his eyes shut and pushed the image out of his mind. Cas realised that staying awake was not helping his mood so he slunk back into his room and fell into a fitful sleep.

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