Chapter 13

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Cas sat behind the counter and pulled out a book he was reading.

Adam was sitting across the counter from him.

“What are you reading?”

“Anna gave it to me. It’s called, ‘The Outsiders’. It’s quite good actually.”

“I may have to borrow it off you. I haven’t been reading as much lately with all the stress in my life and I kinda want to start again.”

“Sure! You can borrow it once I’m done with it.”

Adam nodded and Cas excused himself from the conversation to help a customer. Cas was standing at the coffee machine when he saw Dean walk in. He called his boyfriend over to sit with him whilst placing the coffee on the counter for his customer.

“Dean come and sit with me!” Cas beamed as Dean came and sat at the counter. Cas noticed that Dean was sitting three seats away from Adam. Cas didn’t understand what the problem was that Dean had with Jo’s boyfriend. Cas found him to be perfectly nice. And then there was last night. What had happened?

“You recovered Deano?” Cas ruffled his boyfriend’s hair playfully and Dean swatted him away.

“I had another Advil so I feel fine now. Cas I meant to ask you something at breakfast. It’s been bothering me.” Dean pulled out a piece of paper with a symbol on it. It was what looked like a trident with and extra horizontal line on the longest vertical line.

“Do you recognise this symbol? I have been seeing it in my nightmares. Actually Adam, you might know it. Do you?” Dean acted very innocent. He felt bad doing this but he had to prove to Cas that Adam was no good before it was far too late. Just as Dean had expected, Cas froze when he saw the symbol.

“How... Why...” Cas couldn’t get the words out. That symbol. Cas felt the memories returning. Memories he had pushed so far back he hoped never to have to relive them. Memories of what really happened the night he found his parents.



Cas ran over to his parents’ bodies on the grass. Tears were already streaming down his face. He was held back before he could get to them.

“Young sir we can’t let you near them.”


“I’m sorry-“


Castiel bit the policeman’s hands and ran to his parents.

“nononono...” Cas repeated the word over and over again as he knelt by his parents. He was so shocked by what he saw he nearly puked.

His parents were lying on the grass. Blood pooled beneath them. Cas looked at his father’s face. His hand went up to his father’s forehead. Somebody had carved what looked like a trident between his father’s eyebrows. He looked at his mother and saw the same thing.

“I will find the person who did this and I will kill them I promise.” Cas felt hysteria rising up inside him and before he knew it he was screaming and banging his fists on the ground before Lucifer came and pulled him away from the scene.


Cas had never seen the symbol again. Until now. And in the hands of his boyfriend. Cas didn’t even want to think that there was a possibility that Dean had killed his parents. It wasn’t possible. It wasn’t true yet a tiny voice at the back of his mind told him to entertain the idea. Cas sat down heavily on a chair.

“Dean please put that away now.” Cas’ voice was weary. All he wanted to do was sleep and get away from all this. Dean folded the piece of paper back into his pocket. Adam was staring at Dean strangely. He had a look in his eyes that almost looked like a mix of hate and admiration. Adam left without another word.

“Cas you have to listen to me. I have to go now. Next time you see Adam ask him to show you the chain he wears around his neck. Just trust me.”

Cas opened his mouth to protest but Dean had darted out of the café and around the corner before he could.

Ellen came and took over Cas’ shift and Cas ran to his room and slammed the door. The images from that night were seared in his mind as he cried desperately. He pulled himself together after a few hours and started to prepare himself with his meeting with Lucifer. Cas had heard lots about how Lucifer accepted Cas and wanted to apologise but with Lucifer, Cas was scared there was some trick and he was going to be forced to talk to Michael as well which he was definitely not prepared for yet. At 11:15 Cas slipped out of the house and started up the hill. He saw the lights were off and he slipped around the back of the house. He stood under his old bedroom window. He stood on a small ledge and curiously peeked in. He saw that someone was sleeping in his bed. He spotted a shock of familiar red hair spread on the pillow. Anna was sleeping in his bed. Anna. He had completely forgotten about his big sister in all the drama. Cas stepped down from the window and made a mental note to call her in the morning. He slowly started up to the clearing.

“Castiel?” Cas heard his brother’s voice from under a tree.

“Lucifer.” Cas walked over to join his older sibling.

“Are you ok?” Cas was engulfed in a hug the minute he was close enough. Cas was not prepared for the physical contact and was caught by surprise but laughed and wrapped his arms around his brother. He breathed in the scent of Lucifer’s old jacket and closed his eyes. He hadn’t realised quite how much he missed his siblings. They were annoying as hell but in the end they were still his only family and he couldn’t give them up.

“Luc I’m fine.”

“Good. The house is just not the same without your constant optimistic comments and good nature.” The two of them laughed.

“I miss the madness I’ll admit.”

“Cas I just want you to know that I accept you and I am deeply sorry for Michael. He is slowly coming to his senses and I’m sure he will talk to you when he is ready but that is up to him.”

Cas nodded.

“Lucifer... Anna is sleeping in my old bed.”

“Yeah she has been for a while. We all miss you Cassie!”

“Luc can I ask you a serious question. I think you’re the only other person that saw the marks that had been left on mom and dad. Do you know what they meant?”

“Yes I knew them. They were meant as a warning for me.”

“For you?”

“Yeah. I got into some pretty bad shit back then Cas. It was a warning to me.”

“But from who?”

“One of the members of a gang I was in for a bit. They got out of control so I left. I think they wanted to get rid of me before I spread anything.”

Cas’ eyes widened in shock.

“Do you remember anyone?”

“I can’t tell you. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Sorry Cas I really can’t tell you.”

Lucifer walked back to the house leaving a stunned Cas behind.

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