Chapter 18

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So the first Episode of Sherlock was INSANE. Ready for tomorrow?? I sure ain't....

Leave comments if you want... I dunno... I don't rule your life.

Enjoy x

His drawing skills had improved since he drew the last picture of his family. He started with Michael and Lucifer in the middle and added Anna and himself next to them on either side. Gabriel was stood next to Anna and Cas admired his piece of art. He hadn’t done a drawing in a long time but he was proud all the same. He put the drawing down just as he saw Gabriel burst into the room.


“Gabriel please I can hear you fine without having to go deaf.”

Cas joined the rest of his family at the dinner table.

“So Gabriel. How’s Sam?” Michael questioned and Cas smirked as Gabriel practically choked on the food he had in his mouth.

“He’s fine why?”

“Just wondering.”

Cas sent Michael a ‘told you so’ smile and Michael rolled his eyes.

They finished dinner and Cas retreated to his room. Anna did the dishes for once and Gabriel was staying at Sam’s. Of course when he said this Michael shot Cas a knowing smile. There was an underlying competitiveness in the house as Michael and Cas continued to have silent arguments about who was going to win.

As promised, Cas was on the hill at midnight. He saw Dean come out of the cover of the trees and greeted him with a light peck on the lips.

“You wanted to speak to me Winchester.” They sat on the grass together.

“Yeah. I just wanted to clear everything up. I don’t want to hide anything from you anymore so I figured I should just tell you everything.”

“Dean you don’t have to.”

“No I want to. C’me here.” Cas rested his head on Dean’s shoulder and Dean wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

“So I’ll start from when my mom died. Before that everything was fine. I was planning to become a mechanic but I ended up finding a passion in cooking.”

Cas laughed.

“Shuddup you won’t be laughing once I cook for you. Anyways the night my mom died I think a part of dad died along with her. He was slowly falling into alcoholism. I ended up having nearly full responsibility of Sam. I tried to get jobs but I was too young and inexperienced. My grades dropped massively and I became the loser of the school. Sam got bullied for having such a failure of a brother. One day Adam came to me and asked if I wanted to work for him. In my desperation I agreed. It started off small, just shoplifting small things, and pay was good. For once I was able to feed Sam and me both healthily. That was all I had to justify what I was doing. I never dated. I didn’t have the time or the heart. Then Adam started asking me to do worse things but I kept going. The harder things got the more I got paid but then he asked me to kill someone and... I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t do it Cas. I left. I felt so guilty when I heard they had been killed. I knew it had been Adam. I felt guilty because I could have handed them all in but I would have been arrested too and I couldn’t afford to do that to Sam. Then we moved here and the rest is history.”

Cas listened attentively to Dean’s story. He understood every word.

“It’s OK Dean. I understand. Instinct. Anyway it’s a good thing you moved here or I would never have met you.”

“Hmm that is true.”

“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

Cas leaned his head back Dean kissed him. Cas’ hands went up to Dean’s hair and he ran his hands through it. Dean’s hands gripped Cas’ waist. Both boys smiled through the kiss.

“Dean I have to get back.” Dean reluctantly pulled away.

“Aww. Can’t we just sleep here?”

“You can, but I am going to bed.” Cas smirked and stood up.

Dean groaned and held his hands out for Cas to help him up.

Cas helped Dean to his feet and turned to walk away but Dean grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Cas spun around to face Dean and looked at his confused.

“Cas. I love you.” Dean looked Cas in the eyes with all the sincerity he could muster. “Don’t ever think otherwise.”

Cas cupped Dean’s face in his hands.

“I know Dean. I love you too.” Cas gave Dean a quick kiss on the lips and started down the hill.

Dean watched Cas disappear over the hill and smiled to himself.  He slipped back into his house and lay back on his bed.

Cas slipped back into his room but instead of going to bed he flipped on the lamp on his desk and sat down in front of his drawing again. He picked up his pencil and began to draw. He started by adding Dean next to him with his arms around Cas’ waist. Cas smiled and sat back in his chair. His eyes scanned over the picture again but there was still something missing.

He picked up his pencil and drew in Ellen and Jo standing behind them. Cas smiled and pushed the picture into the light so he could see it clearer. Pleased with what he had created, he switched off the light and jumped into bed. He slept peacefully for the first time in a long time.

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