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Max was now grinning from ear to ear eating his strawberry ice cream. I smiled. God I love kids.

I didn't have any siblings growing up and the other children in the orphanage just left me alone most of the time.

"I need to go now, Luna." Max said, his ice cream dripping.

"Call me Ariel."

"Bye Ariel!" He waved and ran to wherever.

I smiled at his retreating back. He was so cute.

I walked back to the room. A random guy whistled at me in the hallway so I ran to the room. I wasn't really comfortable around guys. Except Ajax, I guess.

I ran without looking and accidentally bumped into someone, making them fall. I'm super clumsy.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to crash into you. Here." I offered the blonde girl my hand but she ignored it, a disgusted look on her face.

She picked up her expensive handbag and turned to me, her nose scrunched up. "Ew. What are you doing here? Whatever. Just don't talk to me."

I didn't reply, too shocked to say anything. I was use to people being nice and I've never had any bad encounters with anyone.

The blonde girl strutted away in her high heels and I made my way to the room again.

It was already late and I was curled up on the couch watching tv in one of Ajax's black shirts, when he came in the room.

"Ariel? Hey kitten where are you?" He called out, his footsteps getting closer.

"Hm?" I was too tired to say anything. I was struggling to stay awake but even though I didn't want to admit it, I didn't want to sleep alone.

"Hey, come here." Ajax turned to me, his arms open. I shuffled over and wrapped my arms around his torso, burying my face in his chest and his strong arms wrapped around me. "Why don't you go to sleep? Come on."

He picked me up easily, and gently put me on the bed. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.

The last thing I felt was a soft kiss pressed on my forehead.


I woke up and felt strong arms wrapped around me.

I was use to this now and I loved it. I know I probably should be running away from my kidnapper but Ajax made me feel safe. He took great care of me here. I didn't have anyone like that at home and it got lonely sometimes.

"Morning, kitten." His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He always called me that but I still blushed.

"Morning, Elmo."

"I have a meeting today so unfortunately I have to get out of bed." Ajax said, unwrapping his arms from around me.

"Oh yeah? And why is that unfortunate?" I asked, getting off the bed.

"Because then I'll be away from you." He said, looking over at me with puppy dog eyes. I wanted to coo at his face. It was adorable.

"I don't think that's such a bad thing, actually." I joked, smirking.

The next second Ajax was in front of me and I stepped back, bumping into the wall. His arms were on either side of me and his face was just inches away from mine.

"Really, kitten? Do you really think that?" He whispered lowly and my breath hitched in my throat. He knew he had an effect on me.

I stood there frozen as he pressed a soft kiss on my neck.

"I'll see you soon." He said and pulled away, going into the bathroom.

I stood against the wall for a moment, looking like a complete idiot while I waited for my mind to start working again. I turned the tv on and jumped back in bed because I'm a lazy bum like that.

I wrapped the sheets tightly around me and tried to get comfortable before turning to face the tv. After a few minutes, I heard Ajax getting out of the shower.

I quickly turned my head and - Wow.

Ajax in a suit.

Ajax flipping (Whatever his last name is) in a suit.

I blushed and realized that I was staring. Ajax just smirked and came up to me. He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"You're adorable." he said, looking into my eyes. He placed another kiss on my cheek.

There was a soft knock on the door. "Yes. I'll be there!" Ajax called out and then turned to me. "Please don't try to escape."

"Wasn't even thinking about it."

"Good. You can go down for breakfast. Bye." With another kiss on the cheek, Ajax left.

I decided to take a shower then go down for breakfast so that's what I did.

After I showered and changed into a shirt and sweatpants that actually fit me, I went downstairs for breakfast. There was a plate of pancakes already waiting for me. I guess Ajax told them about my love for pancakes.

C'mon. It's pancakes.

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