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~Ariel's POV~

"My mom thought it would be funny to give me a jellyfish for my birthday." Ajax said, staring at the fish tank. He had a distant look in his eyes and I knew this was a touchy subject.

I put my hand on his arm in a reassuring sort of way. "That wasn't my question, actually." He turned to me with a small smile on his perfect face.

"I wanted to ask since, I literally do nothing every single day and I get bored doing nothing, maybe I could train like the other members of the pack?" I asked.

"No." He instantly said. My smile dropped.

"No? But maybe I'll need to defend myself someday!" I argued.

Ajax let out a sigh and looked into my eyes. "I just don't want other guys around you." He turned around, mumbling something else that I didn't quite catch.

"What did you say?" I asked.

He let out another sigh, as if he was embarrassed of what he was about to say. "I'm just scared that you'll run off with another guy." He admitted, looking down at his feet.

Why would he think that? He was perfect. I wouldn't leave him for the world. He was sweet and funny and made me feel safe. He had the looks of a greek god and he could probably have anything he wanted. But he was scared that I would run off wih some other guy.

I think I just melted into a puddle of Ariel.

I put a hand on his shoulder, making him look up at me. His beautiful grey eyes just made me weak in the knees.

"Ajax," I started, and I could feel him shiver slightly. Glad to know I had some kind of effect on him as he did on me. "I wouldn't leave you for the world." I said. And I meant it.

Ajax's lips turned into a huge grin that could light up the world.

"Soo..." I trailed off. "Can I start training?" I looked up at him with my puppy dog eyes. They usually work.

I was right. Ajax smiled his dimpled smile. "Of course."

"Yes!" I fist pumped the air, almost punching him in the nose. Lucky for him, he had awesome werewolf reflexes.

I grabbed his face in my hands and had to tiptoe a bit, before peppering his face with kisses. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I pulled away and hugged him tightly.

"I think you missed a spot." Ajax said once we pulled away. He pointed at his lips, smirking.

"Nope, I don't think I did." I smirked and made my way to the door.

When I got to the door, Ajax was in front of me in a second. He was like the flash or something. But with better hair. No offence flash.

"Oh baby, I think you did." With a smirk, he took a step towards me and pressed his lips against mine. My stomach exploded in butterflies.

I kissed him back as he turned us around, pushing my back into the wall. One of his hands rested on my cheek and the other on my hip. Our lips moved perfectly in sync. My fingers absent-mindedly tangled themselves in his soft hair.

The door burst open and Ajax and I sprung apart from each other in shock.

Caleb stood at the door wearing a knowing smirk on his face. "Sorry." He apologized, not sounding sorry at all. "I think I came at a bad time?" He said, making it sound like a question.

My cheeks flushed red as I looked over at Ajax. His cheeks were tinted pink, his hair was wild and his lips looked more pink than usual. He still managed to look absolutely stunning.

"Caleb." He started, his hands turned to fists at his sides. "How many times have I told you to knock?"

"Once. And that was two seconds ago." Caleb grinned.

Ajax sighed. "Start knocking from now on."

"Okay. I'll just come back later." With one last devilish smirk at the both of us, he left the office.

I looked over at Ajax again and blushed, immediately looking away.

"I'm gonna go now. I'll see you later." I rushed quickly, making my way to the door for the second time.

And for the second time, I was stopped.

Ajax kissed me softly and pulled away, smiling a million dollar smile.

"I'll see you later." Ajax whispered, repeating my words.

I left the office and went into the elevator, pressing the down button. My stomach felt all warm and fuzzy and I kind of have this sudden urge to start dancing.

I'm going crazy.

I walked out of the back door, kind of skipping.

As I made my way to where all the training happens, all I could think about was beautiful grey eyes and those soft pink lips.

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