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~Ajax's POV~

I left the room quietly and tried not to wake Ariel up. I quickly shut the door behind me and knocked on the door down the hallway.

Katie opened the door.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked and then I saw the expression on her face. "No, you don't have a choice." I said quickly before she closed the door.

She sighed and opened the door wider to let me in.

Once I made myself comfortable on the couch, I started talking.

"I want to take Ariel somewhere nice."

At the mention of Ariel, Katie squealed. "Aww. Where?"

"That's the problem. I don't really know." I confessed, fiddling with the strings on my hoodie.

"Okay. What do you think she likes?" Katie asked.

"She likes the outdoors. She's always spending her time outside."

"The beach!" Katie clapped her hands excitedly. "It's perfect. Remember the place that we use to go to?" She asked.

I remembered so well. This part of the beach was kind of like our secret. Katie and I would go there with our parents at least once a month. We'll have the best beach party, just the four of us. That was before they died of course. We've never been there since then.


"Alright! I'll help her get ready. My brother's going on a date!" She started to chant.

"Shut up." I mumbled. "But thanks though." I got up and exited her bedroom.

I just hope Ariel will like it.

~Ariel's POV~

I woke up when someone started jumping on the bed.

"Katie! Let her sleep!" I heard Ajax's voice growl at the person jumping on the bed which was obviously Katie.

"Na-uh I've gotta get her ready!" Katie half-shouted.

"See she's awake. You woke her up!"

I rubbed my eyes and looked around. Katie was on the bed beside me and Ajax was shouting at her from across the room. It was an awesome thing to wake up to.

"C'mon we're gonna get you ready!" Katie said, already tugging on my arm.

"I'll see you soon, kitten." Ajax said, coming up to me and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Bye." I whispered but I didn't move. And neither did Ajax. We just stood there, staring at each other and it really did feel like we were the only one's in the world.

Until Katie had to ruin it, that is.

"You guys can have sex later! Right now we need to get you ready!" She shouted in our ears and both Ajax and I blushed.

Katie then took a whole bunch of clothing from my side of the closet and pushed me out of the room and into her's.

"Now shower! And use these." She ordered, piling a bunch of soap and shampoo bottles into my arms.

I went into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes.

"Caleb, honey, please get out. I am on an improtant mission!" I heard Katie shout outside.

I laughed softly at her weirdness.

After I showered and used every single product that Katie gave me, I stepped out of the bathroom, steam rising behind me.

I was wrapped in just a white towel.

"Here. Change into this." Katie ordered, stuffing a bunch of fabric in my hands.

It was a dark blue bikini and a short dress to go on top. (On top)

So we were going swimming.

"Wow. You look amazing. Now sit. I'm gonna do your hair." She said and I sat down in front of a large mirror.

In the end I had my hair in waves right down to my waist. Katie gave me a little bit of makeup because she said we were going swimming anyways and that it would just waste her makeup.

"You. Look. Hot! Wait till Ajax see's you!" Katie clapped her hands excitedly.

She gave me a pair of sandals that looked nice and pushed me out of the door.

"Meet him outside. I'll text him that you're ready."

I walked through the hallways, trying to ignore the stares that I was recieving.

"Hey. I'm Carter." Some guy came up to me. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Yeah. And I'm... Gonna go." I said awkwardly and waddled to the front door.

Yes, I waddled.

I stood next to the steps, waiting for Ajax.

A few minutes later he came out wearing a white button-up shirt and black swimming shorts. His hair was kind of styled up in a messy way. Overall he looked hot. Like he always does.

I felt self-concious as his eyes roamed my body.

"You- wow. You look beautiful." He said and I blushed at the compliment.


"Shall we?" He asked in a posh accent, holding out his hand to me.

"We shall." I said back and giggled as I took his hand in mine.

"But first you need to use this." Ajax said, taking out a blindfold from who knows where.


"Yup." He said, popping the 'p'.

He put on the blindfold and led me to wherever we were going.

"Are we there yet?" I asked after a few minutes of blindly walking and Ajax pushing me in the right direction.

Ajax chuckled. "Just a few more minutes."

After a few minutes, we stopped.

"Okay. We're here." Ajax said.

He unfolded the blindfold and I gasped.

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