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Ariel's POV

"Elmo." I whispered. It was nine in the morning and I really need to pee but obviously Ajax has a tight grip on me, just like every other day.

"Elmo." I whispered again, this time poking his cheek.

Ajax groaned and nuzzled his face further into my neck.

"I need to pee." I whispered.

Finally, he loosened his grip on me and I was able to get out of his tight hold. I did my business and brushed my teeth then splashed some water on my face.

I exited the bathroom and walked back over to the bed.

As if he could sense me- which he probably could- Ajax wrapped his arms around me.

I couldn't fall asleep again. The sun was shining through the blinds and I was starting to feel really hungry.

"Ajax." I whispered.

He groaned again.

"I wanna get up now."

"No." Ajax mumbled into my neck.

"Please?" I pleaded. I get really hungry in the morning.


Fine if that's how it's going to be...

I immediately spotted a large glass of water on the bedside table. No, I shouldn't. But I'm going to do it anyway because why not?

I grab the glass and splashed the contents onto Ajax's face.

Ajax jumped up immediately, his arms letting go of me. I threw the cup on the bed and ran for the door.

"Oh I will get you, kitten." Ajax growled dangerously, before making his way to the bathroom.

I ran out of the room and to the room down the hall.

I knocked on the door frantically, looking over my shoulder to see if Ajax had followed me yet.

Not yet.


The door finally opened and there stood Katie, looking nice, as always.

"Help. I splashed water on Ajax's face and he may or may not be plotting my death right now." I said super quickly.

"I always get into trouble with Caleb." Katie shrugged. "Just do what I do. Use your power."

I looked at her quizzingly. "Um... Last time I checked, I'm human. Although I do consider myself a wizard. My Hogwarts letter is late. So late." I shook my head and gazed into the distance dramatically.

"No, I meant your girl power." Katie said, laughing at me.

"Oh! Yeah, my girl power!" I laughed. After a few seconds, I sobered up and made a straight face. "I have no idea what my girl power is."

"Just kiss him. That always works." Katie said.

"Well, that's a stupid power." I said.

The door of the room open and I gasped.

"Got to go Katie. I'll see you later. If I make it out alive!" I screamed over my shoulder and made my way to the elevator.

I jumped into the elevator and pressed the down button, praying that it would close in time.

I could see Ajax getting closer and closer.


The door closed just in time and I sighed in relief.

Ajax would probably wait for me at the bottom so I'll just stop on the third floor.

The elevator opened and I stepped out catiously, looking around me for any signs of an angry werewolf.


I walked through the hallway and stopped as I realized something.

Couldn't werewolves smell their mates from like a mile away? If that was the case, I am so screwed.

The next second I heard a growl coming from the stairs and I ran in the opposite direction.

I've never ran so fast in my life.

Probably because I'm a lazy bum.

I opened a random door and closed it again when I saw a random guy half naked.


I heard his footsteps get closer and closer.

"Kitten." Ajax growled.

Oh no. I am dead meat.

"Don't kill me!" I squeaked and opened up another door to reveal a large bathroom.

I ran in and tried to shut the door behind me but obviously Ajax was too strong and he held the door open.

I ran to the far side of the bathroom and watched as he walked slowly towards me.

"Ariel." Ajax whispered dangerously.

I shivered at his voice and my eyes widened as he got closer to me.

Think, Ariel, think!

Katie's voice echoed in my head. Might as well give it a try.

I ran towards Ajax then jumped on him, my legs wrapping themselves around his waist. His hands went under my thighs for support.

He gave me a confused look.

Hope this works.

I cupped his face in my hands and pressed my lips against his making my stomach flip.

It took a few seconds for Ajax to process what was happening. But when he did, he kissed back passionately.

Our lips moved desperately together. The weird mate bond thing made me feel like all of my insides were melting.

In a weird good way.

My hands played with his soft hair as he pushed me back against the bathroom wall.

After a few seconds, I pulled away, both of us breathing heavily.

I looked into his gorgeous gray eyes.

"Are you still mad?" I whispered.

"Just a little." Ajax breathed out, his eyes flickering to my lips.

I kissed him again and pulled away after a few seconds.

"Nope, I'm not mad." He whispered, a dazed look on his face, making me laugh.

"Let's get breakfast." I suggested casually like we didn't just have a heated make-out session in a bathroom.


I untangled myself from him and Ajax held my hand all the way to the kitchen.

When we got there, there were a few people already helping themselves to breakfast. One of them being Katie.

She turned to me and raised her eyebrows in question. I gave her a high five and grinned.

"Nevermind what I said, that is a totally awesome power!"

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