1) Stupid can't run

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Okay so maybe my story isn't all that cliche. I wasn't a goody two-shoes. Okay let me rephrase that. I am not, never was a goody two-shoes. In fact I think I'm more badass now.

anyways, I had gone too parties before. They weren't really my scene though. I usually left in the middle of them, but on this particular day, during this particular party I got drunk. Like waay drunk. I usually didn't drink much, and I wasn't a lightweight. But I guess we all just have our totally epic stupid days right? I regret it all.

[ That's the day you sealed your fate with me. You don't regret it.]

{ wow cocky much? And besides since when are you using words like 'fate'?}

[Oh you know you love me.]

*mumbles* {Unfortunately.}

Sorry guys. That was my annoying-ever-self-obsessed boyfriend.

[You might want to mention how hot I am and how I'm the whole reason you even have a story.]

Oh yeah he's the alleged 'bad boy', and truth be told I do have a story because of him. But we all know that I'm the star here.

Okay since my boyfriend has agreed to stop interrupting i'll get on with the story.

OH MY GOD! I really am stupid! Names! I completely forgot to introduce myself. Well I'm Scarlet Coleman, Scar for short. And my idiot boyfriend is Derek Hayes, Idiot for short.

So, anyways I was drunk. And what had started out as truth-or-dare was now dare-or-get-beer-dumped-on-you. I was dared into taking Derek's hot Lamborghini Aventador out for a joy ride.

Yeah, the Haynes' were rich.

We live in Panama city, Florida. It was all hot rich people and beaches here.

But anyways, as the cover tells you I took that hot Aventador out for a spin and completely wrecked it.


I woke up with a hideous headache. I guess I deserved it for getting drunk and trashing a car. Actually, what was funny was that I like a lot of hangover victims forgot all about the night before. yeah, that's right I had no idea that I had crashed a Billion dollar Lamborghini. More specifically Derek's Billion dollar Lamborghini.

"Grounded," my mom said not looking up from the scrambled eggs she was making.

Dad handed me some aspirin and some pills.

I was lucky to have the parents that I had.

My parents were party animals when they were teens, so they understood. They were trying to be model parents though, but they were not doing a good job. For instance the alcohol my dad slipped into my brothers birthday cake when he was sixteen.

"That was stupid dear, getting drunk like that."

'I know dad, I'm sorry," I replied.

"Stupid runs in the family," my mom sighed.

"That's not true. Stupid can't run." My brother said incredulously.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him

Oh yes, my infamous brother. If I'm doing intros now I might as well do him too.

Aiden. I loved him. Yet I also consider strangling him in his sleep. He was...well he was like any old brother, an idiot, overprotective, lovable, stupid haircut.

Aiden was now 26 *sigh* they grow up so fast don't they? He'd just finished college, and worked at a computer animations company. It was his dream job being able to actually make the characters for his video games, it was like nerd-a-palooza down there. Everyone was proud of him, but back to the main character, ME!


Being hungover was a horrible feeling, for example my day had progressed a little like this:



Lie in bed.

Feel miserable.

Sob hysterically at Jeremy's death on the Vampire Diaries.



2 episodes of the Lying Game.

1 episode of The Secret Circle.

Eat leftover pasta.



Drink three cups of lemonade.


Hangovers tend to mess with my emotions. Its like i'm on a one day period.

Ugh. I am never getting hammered again.


Anyways two hours later I got a call from my best friend, Aubrianna.

"OH MY GOD!" She shrieked.

"Scream a little louder I couldn't hear you." I said dryly.

"Scar you are in so much trouble," I frowned as I heard the panicked little pants from the other line. What kind of trouble exactly?

"What are you talking about?"

"Something happened last night."

"Aubrey stop stalling. What is it?" I inquired. "Aubrey what the hell is it?!" I snapped when she wouldn't answer me.

"Last night you trashed the bad boy's car."


If you are reading this you have obviously stumbled upon my story, well all I can say is please stick around it will be worthwhile I promise. Yes this is going to be cliche just so you know what you are in for. please read on and enjoy!

And that my pretties is how it begins

SO what did you think?


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