3) My growing distress

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I walked into Social studies and, pretend not to notice all the stares, like I have been doing the whole day.

I know this will blow over in a week, with a school as big as mine, lots of things happen. A new hookup probably, or maybe a breakup, will be the gossip that makes everyone forget about me. That's not what i'm worried about though. I'm worried about Derrek.

I know I wrecked his car so, the cost must be like a million, not to mention that it was a Lamborghini Aventador. Or what if he tells my parents, they don't know yet, and I really want to keep it that way.

I know I said they were party animals, but they have never crashed a car, sure they've vandalized, trespassed, skinny dipped, but never anything like that. And I don't want them to be disappointed, sure it hurts when someone is mad at you, but disappointed is like a punch in the neck.

The possibilities are endless, socially ruin me, physically ruin me (though you're not supposed to hit a girl. Maybe he'll hire a girl to do it, a lot of people would love to punch me now).

There was this one guy that slashed Derek's tires, so Derek actually made him believe he was being haunted. Not kidding, now the kid lives in constant fear and, reads spellbooks in hope of finding a way to banish ghosts.

I took a deep shuddering breath and sat down.

"Hey, so I heard that you like actually destroyed Derek's car like, is that true?" A voice squeaked.

Okay guys now I know we all use stereotype bimbo characters, but damn this girl was like the reincarnation of Snooki. Large gold hoop earrings, 26 bangles and necklaces, crop top, short jean shorts, fuzzy Ugg like things, so-blonde-it's-almost-white hair put in waves, and last definitely least face caked on with so much makeup she actually sort of looks like Nic Cage.

I just stared back at her, how did I not notice that thing in my social studies class for two months.

"Uh hi?" I would have said more but, I was in shock.

"I'm talking to you silly, yeah I know you probably don't get spoken to much at all."


I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You know I'm surprised people actually speak to you. Oh wait, I shouldn't be quick to judge, they probably don't but, I'm not surprised."

I heard a laugh behind me and turned around.

Sitting behind me was a guy with strikingly blonde hair, perfect teeth, strong jaw, overall he was very good looking (I think it's the jaw that make guys attractive) . It made sense anyways, why he was so attractive that is. It was because I was staring at the face of Jackson Colt, no, not the MMA fighter. This was the actual Jackson Colt, one of the most popular guys in my school.

Once that registered in my mind, my mouth went dry and I struggled to find words.

It was actually ironic that I couldn't speak to the face of a popular guy, when the most popular guy probably wanted to kill me.

So I just settled for a weak crooked smile, and turned around, eyes wide.

Then the plastic humanoid in front of me cleared her throat, and did the perfect imitation of a stalker smile to Jackson.

"Hi, my name is May." The thing drawled from beside me.

"Uh...I know," Jackson stuttered out.

Now, I wouldn't have helped him if he didn't look so horrified, but since I knew that girls like her could be a nightmare, so I decided to help the big guy out.

"Hey, Jackson how is your girlfriend, Katy doing?" I smiled and batted my eyelashes in hopes of getting my point across.

"Oh, she's doing fine, sprained her ankle but, she will be okay," he replied breezily.

I narrowed my eyes.

Colt was a great actor, making up the ankle story like that on the spot. No wonder so many girls fell for him. He'd charm, or lie them into his bed.

Suddenly I was regretting helping him out.

I would have done something immature, like stick out my tongue at him, but the teacher chose that moment to walk through the door.

"Hello class," Mrs. Smith said from the front of the classroom.

I sighed and turned in my seat, facing the front once again.

I felt Colt's eyes on the back of my head, and little miss spray-on-tan's pitchfork glares on the side of my face.

I sighed. This was going to be a long class.


Finally I was out of that damn class.

May kept muttering insults to me under her breath, and Jackson...Jackson just kept staring at me.

To say I was uncomfortable would be an understatement.

The bitch, May was probably going to tell all of her other fake friends what had happened. Oh i'm screwed.


My science grades

The cheerleaders out to exact their revenge

The whole trashing Derrek's car fiasco

Derrek is probably going to make my life hell

Now even Jackson knows who I am

We are having lasagna for dinner


Now don't get me wrong I loved lasagna, but only the processed type. At least the processed lasagna didn't come burnt, because that's how my mom likes to cook lasagna. Actually that's how my mom likes to cook everything. With mom's food it's either severely overcooked or, depressingly under-cooked.

But back to the important things. I was screwed. But not for obvious reasons.

All the cheerleaders I had seen through out the day hadn't tried to rip out my throat and, trust me I was relieved about that. But I knew what the cheerleaders had done in the past and, it was just out of nature for them not to try to ruin my life.

Here, let me tell you a little story. Jansen miller is the name of the girl who accidentally spilled her milk all over one of the schoo'ls most popular guys, Randy Brohen's shoes. So, long story short Jensen spilled her milk on Randy's shoes, The next day she comes to school two-thirds of her head shaved and the other part dyed green.

Jensen's story was actually the mildest thing the cheerleaders have ever done to a person as revenge.

Maybe this was like a make-your-victim-suffer-by-living-in-constant-fear sort of things?

Well, whatever it was it couldn't be good and, little did I know that it was a whole lot worse.

Well anyways, I guess I should tell you the most important part of this chapter.

As you know the world hates me, so as I was leaving school, karma decided to have me bump into none other than Derek Hayes.


Ohkay, so that's the base of my story the drama will start to heat up in my next chapter, which I will title 'The Deal'.

Ooh gives you ideas doesn't it?

Sorry for the punctuation errors. I completely suck at punctuation.

Well toodle doo


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