8) Not that different

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"But what about-"

Wondering what's going on? Yeah me too. I never thought that I'd be having a conversation with Derek. An actual convo. A civil one, without sexual innuendos.

How about I go back ten minutes.

I had just arrived at Derek's house a few minutes ago, and found him sitting on the couch watching How I Met Your Mother.

"Ooh I love this show!" I burst out excitedly without thinking.

Derek barely glanced up as he muttered, "then sit down and shut up."

I was shocked into silence, as I sat down. I didn't know what I expected him to do about my outburst, but I didn't expect him to be so...nonchalant.

But I hadn't learned my lesson, because a few minutes later we both laughed at something Barney said.

"Barney's my favorite!" I said again without thinking.



Derek's head swiveled towards me, "But what about Ranjeet?"

"No. The Captain's way cooler," I argued.

He turned to me, "hey what are your favorite TV shows?"

I grinned. This was one of my most favorite topics.

"Let's see Gravity falls, Avatar, The Secret Circle, Scoobers, Psych, The Vampire Diaries, How I met Your Mother, Kim Possible, Kuzco's New school, Totally Spies-"

"What the hell! Those are either girly, or little kid shows."

I glared at him, "hey I have taste! Oh let me guess you like sports isn't that so interesting."

I was surprised to see a blush on his face. It actually looked kind of cute. "Whatever your shows are still stupid."

But it wasn't a good comeback, and it wasn't hard to tell that he was flustered.

I laughed, "here, come on," I yanked the remote from his grip and changed the channel to Gravity Falls. "Now watch this. The whole thing."

"But I don't want to, and I don't have to. You're not the boss of me." He whined.

"Fine then I guess you can just stick to being boring old Derek who like sports just like every other guy that is uninteresting in this country."

I saw the resolve in his eyes before he said it.

"Good. I hope you are ready for two hours of fun!"


"That was shit."

I gave Derek a look, "really?"

"Yes it was horrible."

"Really so I take it you were just laughing at how childish the show was?"

He nodded, "yeah."

I laughed, "you loved it. you loved it sooo much." I sang.

"Shut up!" He cried, covering his ears.

"Well at least you are not boring anymore."

"You know what? I'm hungry. Make me food."

I laughed again, "sure thing captain." I said making a saluting motion.

"Ooh pasta! My favorite!" Derek squealed, clapping his hands, and running into the kitchen like a child on a sugar rush.

I rolled my eyes and placed the pasta in his plate. And he said Scooby Doo was childish.

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