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Derek's jaw tightened. "I won't say it again, Scarlet. Get out of the way."

"No way in hell," Facing the guy behind me I said, "get out of here, kid. Now." The guy ran away.

Derek shot a look at the people surrounding us and the crowd immediately dispersed, then he turned his furious gaze to me.

I gulped, but otherwise showed no indication that his angry silence was affecting me.

"What are you doing, Scarlet?"

"No, the question is what were you doing? Why were you beating up that kid." I winced as I remembered the bruises and cuts that covered his arms and face.

"He spilled his coke on me."

I squinted at his shirt. Come to think of it, I could see a section of the front of his shirt that was darker than the rest. I gaped up at him, "So?!"

"So he spilled his coke on me." He replied impatiently.

"That doesn't mean you can beat him up!" I cried.

"I just did."

I sputtered "But that's-that's not right!"

Derek leaned forward his eyes angry and his frame tense, "What did you expect from me? I don't follow rules, I don't give a shit about anybody! Why the hell do you expect me to do good things?!"

I stepped back, my eyes wide, incredibly surprised about his outburst.

Derek gave me one last scathing look before whipping out a flask and walking away.

As I watched him away I became sure of one thing. I had made up my mind of what to think about Derek Hayes.

I absolutely loathed him.


"Oh good, you're okay," Spark sighed, as she fell into step with me. "So what did you do to get Derek so mad? He left campus."

"I told him he was a jerk."

"What!" She gasped, "Scarlet, you need to be more careful. He could hurt you!"

"I know," I grumbled to myself. "Whatever, look Spark, I'm done with this conversation," I said and then I walked off, feeling a bit guilty.

"Hey I heard about what happened outside. Care to tell me about it?" Faith, the head of the newspaper club asked me.

I groaned. Please no. Not this.

"Oh, you know I would, but I-I'm gonna be late," and once again I was running away from someone.

But before I got too far away, I felt a presence at my elbow, thinking it was faith, I turned around and opened my mouth, intending to tell her off point blank, but it turned out to be Aubrianna.

"Before you bitch me off like you've been doing to everyone today you're going to shut your mouth and listen to me."

Not even the least bit taken back by Aubrey's attitude, I shut my mouth. Yeah she was right, I was being a bitch.

"I know you don't want to talk about it but you're going to tell me what happened," she ordered. "You completely shut everyone out in classes today."

"I know. My talk with Derek got me in a bad mood."

"And that's why you're going to tell me about it." She said, grabbing my arm and steering me into the girls bathroom.

After checking to make sure no one was in the stalls-there wasn't, Aubrey hoisted herself up on the counter and put on her 'talk to me' face.

"Okay so you know the fight that was going on earlier today?" She nodded. "Well it turns out someone accidentally spilt their drink on him and he decided that was reason enough to beat him up!"

She sighed and closed her eyes. "What did you expect, Scar? He's the bad boy."

I flushed feeling stupid. "I don't know, but that doesn't justify his actions!"

"You realize this is just making things worse for you with your slavery debt and all?"

"Well I-I didn't think of that."

"Oh my god!" She groaned and hopped off the counter. "You have got to be more careful!"

"I will and I'll apologize to Spark."

Aubrey nodded, "You better. Now let's go, I want food." She beckoned me out the doorway.

"Hey," I said to Spark cautiously, as I sat down at our designated lunch table.

She replied with a short, "Hi."

"Listen I'm sorry about how I treated you earlier today so-do you forgive me?"

She looked at me and laughed, "of course I do. I wasn't mad at you anyway. You were stressing I get it."

I smiled at her. One issue resolved now I had to worry about my predicament with Derek.


I sat anxiously in my seat. For the first time I was actually anticipating Deans arrival. I was hoping that he'd have some news from Derrek. I wanted to know how much trouble I was in.

Then he finally arrived, and I was practically jumping out of my seat when he sat down.

"Woah! Excited to see me? I wouldn't say I'm surprised though." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "No! Well-not exactly. I was wondering how Derrek is doing."

"Are you worried? For him?"

"No, I'm wondering how angry he is."

"Ah I get it," he leaned back and put a large hand on my head. "You're in luck he's in one of his moods so-"

"How am I in Luck?!" I interrupted him.

"Shh," He glared. "You didn't let me finish. "You're in luck because that means you wont have to see him for at least two days."

"Oh," I slumped back in my chair. "Thanks."

"Yeah, what did you say to him? He's really pissed."

I groaned, "yeah, I know. I told him he couldn't be such a jerk and he got mad."

"Derrek's got this problem, see, when people tell him it's wrong to do something-or that he shouldn't do it, he gets really mad and does it anyway."


"I'm not supposed to be telling you this, but I figured since You'll be with him for five months..."

I looked at him ready to say thanks, but the Mrs. Wortham decided to shut the door and walk in, so I leaned in and whispered it in his ear.

He smiled and gave a nod of acknowledgement.

From what I'd learned Derrek had a temper and was a certified asshole, but Dean was a different case. He was nice, Definitely friend material, and it would be helpful to have a friend like him.


So I think I'm getting the hang of this story now, and less editing mistakes I hope.

I know I haven't let Derek interrupt in a while, and I was just wondering should I keep it like that or...

So yeah.

On the side is a cover I decided to make for AuRevoirSimone's Wildfire please rate it on a scale of 1 to 10

Hope you loved this chapter-I know it was short, but I have a good idea for the next chap.

Until next time

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