It had been crazy weeks since the fiasco. I had to concentrate more on school since it was our finals week and on top of that I had to work more hours at the clothing store because I needed to find something to get my mind of him. You would be pleased to know that I passed Mr. Carter’s class with an average of 62%. It wasn’t my best but I still passed eh? What time is it? Sumer time! For me summer meant sun bathing, beaches, road trips and intense partying with my friends. It was because of my friends that I got through this week, if they weren’t there, I would have probably failed all of my classes. It was nice to see that people actually cared about me. I’m fortunate enough to have made friends during the small amount of time that I spent with Harry. Eleanor and Keirsten kept checking on me but I kept saying that I as fine, I was truly fine. Nothing happened between Harry and I. Nothing will ever happen. I was just so caught up in my mind that I actually thought I had a shot with him. It wasn’t his fault, it was all mine. Louis and Niall checked on me as well, they told me how their tour went and what happened on stage, if anything funny happened. Louis even said that since they last saw me, Harry had been very moody. I loved how Louis was trying to cheer me up but I didn’t want to fall in the same vicious circle. He had nothing for me; I had to keep telling myself this. I still didn’t answer his last text. What could I reply? There was nothing much I could say. He was sorry and so was I. I just wanted to stop thinking about him and pretended he never came into my life but it was too hard; not because I had feelings for him but because the paparazzi was still up my ass. I thought as soon as Harry left town they would be following him and the band, but no, they were still following my every move. I was never the girl who had a lot of attention back in high school and it was new ground for me. At the beginning I thought it was hilarious that a normal Canadian girl from Montreal was being harassed by cameras but now, it isn’t that funny. They would occasionally scream nasty or inappropriate things about me. They had figured out my name, age, siblings, and twitter name. I didn’t want people to find out about my personal life on the cover of gossip magazines. I surely didn’t want them to find out about my mom. I had no privacy whatsoever. I had gained a lot of new followers but I got a lot of hate as well. I wasn’t even dating the guy. I could take criticism but only for so long. It was like they wanted to see you break in front of their lenses. I could take so much before I broke; and at this point, I already was. Every time they screamed something nasty at me I would flip them off or reply with a witty answer. It was hard on me but on my family as well. My mother didn’t want Kath to hang out with me because of the sudden attention of the media I was getting; meanwhile Kath was in heaven because she could brag that her big sister was friends with One Direction. On the other hand, Callie had been really nice to me, getting all protective over me. It was cute and she was kind of my mini body guard. She didn’t want me to go anywhere without her. At first, I thought it was because she wanted to be on the cover of magazines with me but honestly, it was because she was worried about me. My life surely had changed, but was it for the worst or for the better…
Here I was, walking on the street after my 10 hours shift at the clothing store. Callie was walking in front of me, trying to block the flashes from the photographers. We just wanted to take a cab and get back home. Since it was summer time and our dorms were locked up, I was staying at my parents’ house and Callie at her aunt’s house. We wanted to go bar hopping with a small group of friends tonight. I just wanted to get loose and wild for tonight. The paparazzi were throwing around words like: ‘’where is your boyfriend, Elizabeth?’’ or ‘’did you know that Harry was partying with loads of girls tonight in Dallas?’’ I simply turned around to face where the voice was coming from. Was he pulling the ‘gentleman’ card in every city he went to? I had a lot of questions in my mind. I was just a conquest for him. He just wanted to play with me. I was just a toy. Callie finally managed to hail a cab and grabbed my arm but before entering the car, I turned around and screamed at the paparazzi: ‘’Harry is allowed to go anywhere he wants, after all it’s his dick.’’ I closed the cab door and signaled the driver to leave. Callie laughed at my witty reply before congratulating me for having balls. I rolled my eyes and stayed silent until we got to my parents’ driveway. I pay the driver and leave him a generous tip before walking to the small gate. I opened it and closed it right after Callie stepped in. I walked into the old house to see my family in the living room. Callie was pretty much a part of my family, she made herself at home and walked to the living room, greeting everyone and sitting down next to Kath. I kicked off my shoes and greeted everyone, to my surprise my older brother was here. I usually didn’t see him often because he lived with his roommates in a shared apartment downtown and because of his business. The funny thing about my brother, Alexander, was that he was a tattoo artist but he didn’t have any tattoos on him except for my mother’s name, meanwhile I had more tattoos; all of which was his work. Why pay for a tattoo when I could simply ask my lovely brother. I kissed my father’s cheek and walked over to my mother. I passed by Kath and messed up her hair, she didn’t even move because she was watching the television. I sat down on the couch, beside my brother who was staring at me with a little grin on his face. I knew that smile, it was the same smile he gave me right before breaking my arm when I was 8 years old.

A Public Affair (A Harry Style Fan Fiction)
FanfictionWhat happen when you are dragged into a world where every single thing you do will end up on the front page of a magazine? What happen when people that you don't even know start to criticize you as a person? What happen when you have the pressure to...