Cheater (xDemoman)

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+Author's note

I broke up with my boyfriend, SO HERE YA GO A STORY ABOUT BREAKUPS

The sounds of tires rolling over gravel was heard at the base, and soon parking the large car, Tavish hopped out of it.

Shutting the door, he walked passed Engineer, tuning his guitar at the front door.

"Back already partner?"

Demoman ignored him and walked inside.



It was dusk, and most of the mercenaries were relaxing around the base. Demoman and Sniper were playing some jazzy songs together.

Dimmed lights shined overhead, and the two men continued, even though Pyro was absent for the drums, they still managed to make some beautiful music.

Sniper finished a long note on his saxophone, and Demoman finished the song with the tinkling of the piano.

With a smile, Sniper turned to Demo.

"That was beautiful mate! Whacha wann play next?"

Demoman gave a small shrug and slouched against the piano, taking a small gulp of his scrumpy.

Sniper raised his eyebrow.

"C'mon mate! Ya always want ta play somethin'! Ain't ya got any ideas?"

Demoman turned to the piano.

"How aboout Almost blue??"

Sniper scratched his head.

"Ain't that a little darker than what ya usually want to play..? Ya sure?"

Demoman thought some more.

"Back to black?"


"Little drop of poison?"


"Killing me softly?"


"A fine romance"

Sniper looked at Demoman and gave a curious gaze, and nodded.

"Alroight, what are tha chords?

"D7M, F#m7, Em7 and A7"

Demoman started playing the piano.
Despite his previous suggestions, this song was lively with a fast beat; making Sniper bounce on his heels.

Sniper started playing along, and Demoman opened his mouth to sing.

"A fine romance, with no kisses. A fine romance me friend this is! We should be like a couple of hot tooomatoes, but yer as cold as yesterday's mashed potatoes..."

Sniper gave a worried look at Demo.


After their usual session, Demoman seemed to slink away much to Sniper's concern.

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