Thorns and Roses (xMedic)

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+Author's note

A reader was kind enough to point out that a story I wrote was inappropriate, and I have taken two stories down and have and will replace them with something more decent! I apologize for any trouble my writings may have caused, and I will be more careful with my future stories.

Thank you so much for all of your honest feedback!

"How lovely you are!"
"Aren't I?" the flower answered sweetly. "And I was born the same moment as the sun.."

-The little prince

There was no other like her, Joseph mused to himself.

How he had spent all those years, not knowing what it was like to see true beauty, and to be utterly taken by it the moment she danced in his grasp was beyond him.

Of course, he continued: One can never know something that they've known nothing of. How could you explain the sight of the sea to the blind, and the sound of a cough to the deaf, and joy to the dead?

"How about another?" she asked softly.

The German smiled warmly, and closed the distance between their lips tenderly.

Surely, he thought; there was no woman who could ever make him into more of a lovesick fool than her.


She had soon begun tormenting him with her vanity.

Alluding to her four thorns, she remarked to the little prince, "I'm ready for tigers, with all their claws!"


"Joseph, you're not paying attention to me!"

Seven months had passed since they started their relationship, but they had somehow already started to tread on thin ice.

Looking up from his paper, he folded the sunday news into a hand, a cup bearing his name in his other hand.

"Bitte, jou know zhat's not true"

"But look at you right now!" She whined, "You're already tired of me, pretending to listen when you're just reading that paper!"

"Tired of jou?" he questioned with a frown.

Joseph knew she was exaggerating again, a habit she made whenever she was feeling needy.

"Vell, how about ve go somevhere you'd like zhen? Zhe park? Zhe movies?"

He saw (Y/n) purse her lips, her expression clearly displeased.

"But you don't want to go to those places at all!"

"(Y/n).." he hesitated.

She glared at him from across the table.

"What's the point of going somewhere together when you don't even want to go? I hate it when you force yourself to do things with me"

The German gave a tired sigh.

"I just vant jou to be happy.."


"I shouldn't have listened to her," he confided to me one day.

"You must never listen to flowers!"


Time went on, at an almost agonizing pace for the two lovers.

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