Smirk (xEngineer) (xSpy)

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+Author's note
Requested by Skye49
Got my shit together bitches

Balls of cotton fell from the sky, the winter's sigh emitting every time it reached the ground, slowly blanketing the area

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Balls of cotton fell from the sky, the winter's sigh emitting every time it reached the ground, slowly blanketing the area.

Little squeaks of joy broke out of (Y/n)'s lips when the snowflakes landed on her face like cold kisses, making her giggle as she looked up into the sky. When was the last time she's ever seen anything different from a desert landscape anyways?

Engineer and Spy watched her from the kitchen window, mugs of steaming coffee sitting on the table. Engineer, being the man he was, couldn't help but give a lopsided grin at the pure sight.

"She's really somethin' ain' she?"

The Frenchman gave a uninterested hum. Looking down he started unwrapping some sugar cubes.

"I'm quite sure 'ou know fraternizing among our team iz forbidden?"

A desperate sigh came as an answer on the Texan's part. A large hand rubbed against his dark stubble miserably.

"Yeah Ah know.. Ya'll know much as Ah do what the administrator would do if I went after her"

With another sigh, he looked out the window and saw (Y/n) laughing in the winter landscape. Engie soon perked up when he saw the calendar across the room.

"Well, at least Ah can try to reach out to her soon, our contract's almost up"

Spy gave a small chuckle.

"I'm afraid not"

Engineer's face lost it's expression.

"Beg pardon?"

Smoothly rolling up the newspaper before him; Spy tucked the roll under his arm and got up from his chair.

"Because by zhe time our contracts over, zhe mademoiselle will already be in my arms"

Smirking at the Texan, Spy gave a mockingly patted the Engineer's shoulder as he walked out of the kitchen.


'Oh hell no, tha' dirty weasel ain' gettin' away with this'

Engineer ended up spending the last 4 days up, making a small gift for (Y/n). If that's the way Spy wanted to play it, he was sure to beat him at his own game.

A small necklace with a steel rose sat in front of him, one of his latest masterpiece.

Carefully hiding said necklace behind his back, the Engineer hid it behind his back as he walked towards the infirmary; where the kind nurse usually did her work.

Unfortunally another set of footsteps came strolling in the same direction, quickly snatching the small accessory from the Engineer's hand.

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