Besties (xSniper) (xScout)

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+Author's note

Requested by The_Beattomy_heart!

Also.. !VERY HEAVY! gore my lovelies!

...On a side note I hope the flower picture comes up there.. dammit wattpad..!!

"..'Ello? Anyone in there?"

Sniper peered inside the door frame. The door; entirely ripped from it's hinges laid straight on the ground along with many scraps of metal and fallen wood.

Clink, clink, clink.

Sniper looked down to see he had stepped on broken glass.

Kneeling down, he found that the source of the noise was broken shards of a scrumpy bottle under his feet.

The aussie picked one shard up, and looked into it. It reflected the dark clouds rolling from the sky with each flick of his wrist.

He sighed, and getting up, he looked up to see the base was completely consumed in darkness the farther he stared ahead.

"Roight.. best get to it then.."

He murmered to himself, he took out a flashlight and went ahead.


It had been 3 days since the BLUs had attacked, which was highly suspicious.

"It's a trap!" Exclaimed Demoman;

"They're back hiding from us men!" Screamed Solider.

With hours of bickering amongst themselves, the men came to a conclusion.

Whether it was a trap or not, someone had to go look up and see what was what.

Sniper grumbled as he remembered drawing the shortest stick among the men, forcing him to be the one to go into BLU territory.

He frowned as he walked further into the BLU base. Something wasn't quite right.

There were no traces of anyone using the building recently, and the air was much colder than it should have been.

Mist started rising from the Austrailian's lips, his fangs glinting in the dark as he gave another sigh.

Pressing forward, he noticed long bits of streamers hanging from the ceiling, with paint dragged onto the walls like some obscure cave painting.

Frowning, he followed the trail until he found the BLU Engineer cut open.

"Holy dooley!"

He jumped back, and stared down at the body in shock.

The BLU Engineer was lying on the floor, dead and cold. His body was cut up, his left arm barely danging from a string of flesh, his legs torn off completely.

Sniper widened his eyes as he flashed the lights towards the streamers.

It turned out it was intestines hanging above him.

The Austrailian stood there in shock, trying to take in the sudden scene around him.

Tipping his hat towards the fallen Engineer, he went further into the BLU base.

He wished he hadn't, for there were far more many corpses ahead. Mutilated and ripped, the corpses were almost unrecognizable; they were brutally murdered in a fashion even the REDs would have been condemned from doing.

Sniper stopped in his tracks when he saw the doors to the infirminary. Standing cold and dark, shining as Sniper pointed the flashlight at it.

He noticed that the door was slightly ajar, and saw that a trail of blood led inside. Sniper stared at the trail.

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