Face (xPyro)

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+Author's note

Contains sensitive material. (Self hurting) Please don't practice the following content!

Aiden screamed. Slamming his fist against the mirror, he shattered the shining sheet of glass, sending dusts of glass flying with drops of his blood.

He gave a wretched scream, his hands clawed into a bloody mess as he scratched his face apart, just like he did so many times before.

It was (Y/n). He hated the thought of her, how she cooed him into taking his mask off, to shed his identity before her; like a dog taking a order from his beloved master.

How could he? After how he had vowed to never part from his mask ever again. His promise to himself was no more than a broken lie now, broken by a mere whisper from (Y/n)'s lips.

Groaning, he took his hands, and covered his scarred face. His fingers traced the giant stich marks, and stroked the new rips he had made.

"I still love you"

No, that was wrong. She was wrong, it shouldn't be! Why would she lie to him when the truth was so painfully obvious!

"I hate her. I HATE HER!!!"

Aiden screamed to himself, pulling his matted hair as he lied to himself.

He hated himself. How he looked. How ugly his face was, how unsettling, how gruesome it was.

He knew, oh, he knew all too well that no one could love him; how anyone shouldn't love him. For he was a mere beast.

His face was proof of that.

He looked into the shattered mirror, and saw the one thing he dreaded the most.

His face had a large gash over it. Healed over time but still terrible nonetheless. New scars were ripped into his face, and his bare chest was covered in endless streaks of burn marks.

He looked down at his lower half, and he didn't even need to take his black jeans off to know how many scars had been laden on his legs. Bullet holes and knife marks, beaten and worn. Oh he knew, oh how he knew.

His gaunt face had dark circles under his eyes, sunken and black.

He gave a deep breath. His nostrils filled with the scent of burnt wood, as he sighed.

Aiden slowly walked to his bloody mattress, and pulled the ragged blankets over him.

He shut his eyes, blackness surrounding him. He felt a bit better. This was where he belonged.

He knew no matter how he tried to mask himself with rainbows and unicorns, this was the one place that he truly belonged.

And that was a dark moldy corner in the Tuefort base.

He hugged himself, and let the darkness consume him. This was home, this was where he longed to be.

This was his place.

And Aiden would have gladly slid into a deep sleep, if not for a soft knock on the door.

He writhered.

"Pyro, please talk to me"

Aiden shut his eyes tighter, and hugged the blanket over him.

"Pyro.. I know I was scared.. but please.."

Aiden faced the wall.

"I still love you"

Fuming, Aiden got up and ran towards the door, ripping it open, sending saw dust and bits of wood flying.


Aiden glared at (Y/n), when his gaze slowly faltered.

"You shouldn't be near me.."

(Y/n) looked up at him, eyes full of tears as she stretched her hand out to touch his face.

"Aiden, I-"

Aiden caught her wrist and pushed her away. He shut the door behind him and walked off.

"I don't know what I was thinking.. showing you my face like that. Why did I listen to you? Why? I'm just.. I scare you I.."

(Y/n) bolted into the room and ran into his back, holding him tightly from behind.

"I don't care what you look like, I still love you"

"Liar" muttered Pyro bitterly.

"No, look, I was really surprised, and.. I didn't know that was why you hid your face.. but Pyro! I-"

(Y/n) burried her face into his back.

"I still love you.. that's all.."

Pyro stood there, with (Y/n) clamped against his back. Standing there for what seemed like an eternity.


(Y/n) sobbed.

"I just do! I loved you before I knew you even had a face, I loved you when all I knew was your mask and muffled mutters. I just love you for what you do and who you are!"

Aiden scoffed and pryed (Y/n)'s arms off of him.

"Then don't. Find someone better"

He turned away and walked away.

Aiden was about to walk out when he heard a scream.

Turning around hastily, he saw (Y/n) clutching half of her face, blood falling from her palms, and a bloody glass shard on the ground.

Aiden ran over and saw (Y/n) weakly smiling through her tear stained eyes as he held her.

"(Y/n)- what the hell did you do?"

(Y/n) uncovered half her face and Aiden widened his eyes. A large bloody slash was drawn over her face.

"Will you let me love you now?"

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