Old lovers (xSpy) (xSniper)

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+Author's note

Dance with me darlings~! 🌹🌹

Opening your front door, you saw the sunlight dancing on your glass windchime, colors splashing onto the sun doused deck of your house.

Perhaps some might say it was a dull neighborhood, but with it's quiet houses and it's friendly people, you could hardly care what others would say. You knew you wouldn't trade the peaceful place for the world.

You made your way back into the house, a light breeze following you back inside.

A soft hum came from your lips as you folded a large soft blanket decorated with stars and moons.

Your eyes warmed at the sight of the blanket, and you ran your hand on the fuzzy surface, the scent of flowers rising.

"I see 'ou've been doing well mon cher"

Frowning at the voice, you started folding the blanket.

"Hello to you too Spy"

A whirl of smoke annouced the Frenchman's presence. His posture as smooth as ever, his heels clapping onto the polished wooden floor. The long strides he made around the house put on an air of indifference despite his coming to see you. 

"You know I don't like shoes in the house"

He gave a click of his tongue, mocking you with a hurtful expression.

"Is zhis 'ow 'ou treat an old lover? Come now cher, zhere is no need to be so cruel"

He looked up and down at your figure, hungrily taking in what had been unseen for the past few years.

"Still as beautiful as always.. It 'as been quite some time"

You continued to fold the laundry.

"It could've been shorter if you came to the wedding Spy"

"For what? To waste my time on to see zhe bushman embarrass himself? I 'ave better zhings to do zhan to watch him fall on his own feet"

You playfully rolled your eyes. After all these years, his pride managed to stay unfazed.

Waltzing around you, he grazed his gloved fingers lightly on the furniture around you, as if the Frenchman tried to leave traces of his presense behind, claiming every one of your belonging as his own.

"You've grown dull chérie. I remember a bright eyed girl, charming and unafraid to travel to zhe ends of zhe earth. She would run into zhe wildest of parties, shower 'erself with pearls and champane, make love with me on zhe rooftops.."

A dry smile made it's way onto your lips, a hint of old malice and mischief glinting in your eyes.

"You make it sound more romantic than it was"

Spy took a picture frame of you and Sniper, running his thumb against your happy face. Taking a deep drag from his cigerette, he blew the dreary smoke into the picture.

"Now 'ere 'ou are.. A dull housewife. We both know 'ou are so much more zhan zhis...."

He leaned towards you, wearing a jester's smile.

"'Ou do know zhat 'ou can go back again chérie."

Sighing, you rolled your eyes, and pushed his face away.

"Nope, those days are long gone"

Unamused, The Frenchman slapped the picture frame onto it's front, pacing impatiently around you as he grew irksome of your tiresome attitude towards his invitations.

"Really cher.. What 'appened to 'ou?"

He reached out and took the folded blanket from your grasp, pinching it with his index and his thumb, utterly disgusted at the sheet of cotton. You angrily tried to get it back, but he only stepped out of your reach, looking down at you in disapproval.

"And now 'ou cover 'ourself in zhese rags.. Tell me, was it really worth it?"

You looked up, your eyes glaring back into his cold grey orbs.

"Spy, there are a lot of things you won't understand about my relationship with Sniper. Maybe he's not the best dressed. Maybe he's not as exciting as you, and maybe he can't get me everything I want.."

You gave a deep breath.

"But if there's one thing for certain-"

A sharp cry called out, and both you and the Frenchman froze. Distracted by the cry, you took the blanket out of his grasp, running upstairs to the source of the noise.

Still dazed, Spy stood there in silence, but soon he snapped back to attention; and noticed how the cries upstairs still went on. Just what was that, and what could have you jumping at such a notion?

Quietly, he followed your footsteps up the wooden staircase. The stairs groaned under his feet as he passed by photos decorating the walls with timeless memories that were unknown to him, full of places he had never been, people he had never met, and good times he would never know.

And down the hallway, the cried subdued; sunlight pouring out from an open doorway that just seemed never to be shut. A gurgle sang out of the odd room, along with a laugh and a coo.

Spy stepped in and widened his eyes.

A small bundle was held in your arms, your eyes glowing with pride and joy as you rocked the bundle gently, a soft tune coming from your lips.

Another small gurgle was heard as you laid the being that startled the Frenchman earlier.

Looking slowly into the crib, Spy saw a beautiful baby with dark hair, her eyes shining as brightly as her mother's. The baby waved her tiny fists about weakly, unable to control her small fragile arms, as she looked up at the strange intruder.

Extending her hand, she small hand wrapped around Spy's finger, barely able to even hold it in her grasp.

Giggling, the baby gave a smile at the Frenchman; and he in return, was at a loss for words.

"It was all worth it" you spoke softly.

Spy looked down at the child.

"Oui.. I see zhat now"


Since then, you had never heard of your old lover again. His whereabouts and his overall condition was no longer of your concern, nor had he ever bothered to make contact again.

But every spring, a set of baby clothes would be sent anonymously to your doorstep in hues of pink and yellow. Your husband, Sniper would ask you of the mysterious package, to which you merely smiled and shook your head.

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