Perfume (xSniper) (xSpy)

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+Author's note

Use the song above for the fight scene! The video below is the original movie clip this story was based on my dear readers~

Also, you need to read Screwychoas's story to fully understand this story~

"Mick! Come on!!"

Sniper slowly trudged up the stone steps, his lean frame heaving with each step he took.

(Y/n) was already at the very top of the stairs. Normally she'd be complaining about climbing them, but today was different.

"C'mon Mickey!!!!!"

Despite (Y/n)'s frantic cries, the bushman was still slow. He gave a huff but he just waved her off. He was trying his best.

The Austraillian was exhausted. He would have called it a day if he hadn't made that promise to take (Y/n) to an exhibit...? Show..? Honestly, he was too tired to even remember what it was about.

Finally reaching the top, he found (Y/n) tapping her foot impatiently.

"Mickkk we gotta go!!!"

"What's tha rush? The show ain' going anywher-"

"Mick, I have litterally told you 5 times this week that this is the only chance I can get the limited edition of the candy perfume by the Screwychoas Candyman series!!"


He tried to remember if he had heard anything of the sort in the past week.

In all honesty, he's been tired this whole month, and he'd barely been able to keep up with his girlfriend on dates.

He really couldn't help it. The bushman hadn't gotten much sleep lately, and BLU had been pushing in on their territory; The REDs have been working double time just to hold their ground.

Not that (Y/n) would know anything about this. After all, she didn't even know he was an assassin, let alone a jarate thrower.

(Y/n) had been growing increasingly frustrated with her boyfriend, but had always let it slide when he turned up dead tired for their dates.

And just now, she stood in front of him as he scrunched his face up, trying to remember what she had been telling him so excitededly this week.

She gave a sigh and let it slide again.

"C'mon, we better hurry before it gets sold out"

"Wot? Sell out? Why would they sell perfume at a convention hall?"

(Y/n) gave a frustrated sigh.

"You promised to take me to a perfume expo. Remember?"


Stepping inside, Sniper immediately regretted making the promise with (Y/n).

Sweet flowery scents mixed together hung heavily in the convention hall like clouds, smells of grapefruit, peach, and herbs stung the bushman's nose, almost making him gag with sweet clouds of perfume.

After scanning various banners, (Y/n) ran off towards the colored banner that had the letter C. Taking off so suddenly that she startled him.

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