Hochzeit (xMedic)

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+Author's note

Oh tell me have you seen the marvelous breadfish~?

"Sie sind jetzt Ehemann und Frau!"

The clerk closed the holy book, and the crowd gave a thundering round of cheers.

You were now officially married to your love, Jospeh Heilburger.

Jospeh beamed proudly, leaning in for a kiss, his doves fluttering about in the cathedreal. Giggling, you looked up at him.

"So, what happens now?

Joseph chuckled and kissed your forehead.

"Now iz zhe time zhe fun starts!"


Your second wedding was just as beautiful as your first one, (which was hosted in your home country). You and Joseph had agreed to have weddings in both countries.

"Zhe more zhe merrier no?"

Despite using the wrong phrase, you smiled at your desicions together. You actually got to experience a real German wedding!

Jospeh soon led you outside, where there was a garden blooming with white roses; overflowing with food and drink. The sweet scent of honey and beer wafting across your nose, drawing contented smiles from the guests.

Your eyes widened with surprise Joseph led you to a giant log, with a saw on top of it.

Many of the guests were grinning and laughing at your suprised face.

A man soon came in and led you to the left side of the log.

"It's German tradition to saw log togezher! It's called Baumstamm sägen! Come! Let's test jour strength!"

Giggling, you straightened your white wedding gown and Joseph took his white gloves off, tucking them in his coat pocket.

"Ready? Start!!"

With that, you and Joseph started sawing the log from each side. And in all honesty, it definately was much harder than you had expected.

The crowds laughed when the saw got stuck midway, and hollared at Jospeh.

"Come on! Show jour wife how strong jou are!!"

Jospeh laughed and with a huff, he gathered his arms and managed to saw the rest with you. The crowd cheered once again, and Jospeh looked up at you, his hair messed up, but with laughter in his eyes.


After dinner, many of the ladies started giggling at you, or, to be more accurate, your wedding veil.

You didn't really understand what there was to laugh about, and started to check the veil, fiddling with it. Was there something on it?

Seeing this brought great laughter among the women, and knowing smiles from the men.

You cocked an eyebrow at Joseph, and he merely chuckled, shaking his head.

Faking annoyance, you gave a frown at your husband, earning a round of laughter from your guests once more.

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