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I kept up a steady schedule of saying goodbye to the kid. I learned from my three classes with him his name was, in fact, Sean, but he went by Jack. I kept getting Jack's attention while leaving for two weeks. I would smile, wave a bit, sometimes even say goodbye, but nothing changed his expression. At the beginning I'd only get a blink or a narrowed look, but after a while he'd nod my way.

There was a day Wade was going over to Bob's house to help with his computer and my brother again took the car. I decided to utilize it by trying to talk to Jack. I walked into the lobby after saying goodbye to my friends to see Jack in his normal sad position. He saw me and nodded as he would normally. I smiled back and pointed at my ears to tell him to take his headphone out. He did and this was my chance. Why did I feel nervous?

"H-hey." I cursed myself internally for stuttering, "Your name's Jack right?"

"Yeah." He said shortly, confused as to why I was talking. I nodded and sat down at the bench on the other side of the room.

"You moved here last year didn't you?" I said slightly awkwardly.

"Yeah, why does that matter?" He questioned quite harshly. Maybe this wasn't a good idea...

"Oh, it doesn't, I-I just heard your accent from class. Irish, right?"

"Yeah." I muttered a 'cool' and he went back rotating out the window and I sat awkwardly. I looked around the room trying to think of something else to say.

I looked at him. He wore a red shirt with the sleeves rolled up. There was no beanie today, and his green hair looked a bit faded.

"Hey, I Uh, like your hair." He looked at me again and I was glad he didn't put the other headphone back in. "Bright color looks good. There a reason you dyed it?" I asked hoping it wasn't 'just cause'.

"Um," he looked up at his hair, running a hand through it. "Thanks. It was for a friend, back home... Depression and bipolar disorder."

"Oh, really? That's cool." I said smiling. Maybe I could do something like that. "Great cause."

"Yeah, I try to donate at least half of what it costs to get it done." Man, this kid is a really great person.

"Really? How much does it usually cost?"

"If I don't have to bleach it out first, then usually 50 to 60 where I go."

"Sounds cool." I looked out the window. There's my brother pulling in. I picked up my bag. "Well, see you tomorrow, Jack."

"You too, " he paused.

"Mark." I filled in.

"Mark." He said. I gave him one last smile and walked out the door. He still didn't smile, but we talked so I still felt proud. I opened the door and the car started for home.

A/N Yo! I felt productive today, my power went out so I couldn't procrastinate. I don't think many people or anyone for that matter is reading, but hey. I'll upload anyway. I actually felt awkward writing that like I was in that situation lol. well, thanks for reading, keep bein' a boss, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Buhbuye!

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