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It's been three weeks since Mark's sat with me at lunch. Two since he stayed after school. Four days since he last messaged me. I've given up fighting for him. There's nothing I can do. He's gone.

It's been probably three days since I last ate something filling. I didn't sleep last night. I tell myself this is stupid. That it's just some person, that it doesn't matter. But I still find myself crying every couple days. Felix has been asking nonstop that I sit at lunch with the guys, but I don't want to be there. I'll just be focusing on the fact he's on the other side of the room and I can't be there with him.

Felix has started picking me up for school in the morning. I told him he didn't need to, but he insisted.

"Jack, please come sit with us." He glanced over at me as he drove into the school parking lot. I sighed.

"If I do, will you shut up and never ask me again?"

"Pleeease?" He parked the car and pleaded me. I rolled my eyes.


He cut the engine and celebrated. I rolled my eyes again and opened the car door.

~lunch time~

I shut my locker and looked around the hall. Felix was nowhere to be seen.  Well, I'm not gonna go in alone, so if Felix isn't here, I'm not-

"Lets go Jack!" Dammit. I was Yanked down the hall towards the cafeteria by Felix. We were basically running, or rather, I was being dragged. I had to give him points for constantly being happy. As we neared the cafeteria doors I worried about how people would react to me and Felix bursting through the doors with my hand grasped in his. 

That's exactly what happened. He burst through the door, me trailing behind him like a towel in the wind. no one seemed to care. Is he always do this?

We sat down at a table on the other side of the room. Not many people were here yet.

"Why are you so hyped to have me sit here?" I looked out at the rest of the cafeteria. People were looking at me. Probably because I never sit in here.

"You never sit here! Now you are! Social interaction!" He dramatically moved his hands across the sky.

I saw Bob and Wade walk through the doors. They came over and sat down, followed later by Danny, Arin, Matt and Ryan. Soon they all got up to get in the lunch line for food.

I sat alone awkwardly at the table. That's when they walked in. Mark held Amy's hand proudly. I looked down at my hands on the table hoping Mark would be oblivious like he has been for months.

They sat two tables away from us, perfectly in my line of view. I would have moved over to the other side of the table, but the guys came out.

"You good jack?" Bob asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I bit down on the lie as I looked over his shoulder towards the happy couple. Felix noticed and nudged me. I looked at him quickly before focusing on the group.

I was part of the conversation quite a bit. We were talking about games, as per usual. There was about ten minutes of lunch left and for some damn reason I decided to look back over at Mark. I really wish I hadn't.

His arm was around her, lips on her cheek. He was smiling, and happy. I couldn't do that for him. I kept telling myself I was being ridiculous for acting and thinking like this but all I could think was, 'Why not me?'.

I was Just staring. No one noticed. Mark turned around, and looked at the table. Still smiling. I had to get out. I stood up as fast as I could, and ran even faster. I knew everyone was looking at me but isn't care. My heart has broken too many times for this.


When I turned around to look at my friends I realized Jack was there. How the hell did they get him to come here!? I was about to stand up to go sit with them when Jack stood up and bolted put of the room. The lunchroom was silent. I looked back at the table where Jack came from.

Felix pointedly nodded to the door. I started to get worried. I got up with a word and followed our the door. I looked down the hall, but he was gone. I had to find him. I don't know what happened but I feel like he could hurt himself right now.

Panic filled my chest as I went through the last stall in the bathroom. Both hands in my hair I tried to think. Then it clicked.

The balcony.

I ran down the hall not giving a Fuck when Mr. Pillar yelled from his classroom. I made my way up the steps and onto the balcony floor.

"Jack!" I called for him. I was looking around and I couldn't see him. I went around the other side of the over fill bleachers. He was crouched underneath them.

"Jack..." I could hear soft sobs coming from him. I carefully placed a hand on his back. He started crying harder. "What happened?..." I asked, not expecting an answer. Suddenly I was laying on the ground, Jack sobbing into my chest.

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him, letting him cry. I tried to sit, which ended with him clinging and wrapping his legs around my waist and sniffling into my shoulder.

I sat rubbing his back and smothing down his hair, shushing him like a mother would to a baby.

Once started to calm down, I pushed him back a bit so I could see his face. "Jack, what happened?" He only sniffled and said nothing. "Was it something do with the guys?" He slightly shook his head 'no'. I sighed. What am I gonna do with him?

"Could you talk about it with me after school? When we have more time?" I think the bell went off a few minutes ago. He didn't say anything or move for a while. He slowly nodded. Hopefully he would. "Thank you. You gonna be okay?"

No response. I sighed again. I pulled him into a hug again. He didn't hug back as much. "I'm gonna get to class.. are you gonna come?" He shook his head again and got up off of me finally. He sat up against the wall, is legs tucked to his chest. "Alright." I nodded and stood up. "Alright..." I whispered to myself.

~After School~

I got out to the front of the school to see Jack wasn't there. I looked around and didn't see him. I went back around the corner and saw Felix talking to a guy named Ken.

"Hey, Fe!" I jogged up to him at the other end of the hall.

"Hey bro."

"Did you see Jack?"

"Yeah, I offered him a ride, but he insisted on walking." I sighed heavily.

"Great. Thanks."

"Something up?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not me, with Jack. We were supposed to talk about lunch today, but I guess not anymore." He he nodded knowingly. Took note of that. Jack and Felix had been getting closer recently. Maybe he knew something?

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

"Yeah, see ya!"

A/N Okay yeah I'm bad at schedules. But at least I felt guilt for not being on time. Also, my reasoning is I was stressed out cuz I weNT ON A DATE TODAY! AND SHE ASKED ME OUT. IM NOT A LONER WOOO! But yeah that's not really a reason to be late XD well, thanks for reading, keep bein' a boss, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Buhbuye!

*Note: I didn't look over this chapter so sorry for mistakes

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