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This is it. The final chapter
[Please read the A/N at the end of the chapter ❤]


It was around 11 when I suggested we go to bed.

"I'm guessing you aren't going to school tomorrow?" He shook his head no and I nodded. "Well, I won't go if you don't."

"You don't have to do that Mark. I'm fine, really" I let it slide, but I didn't believe it. I walked over to the fridge.

"Hey, how are those bruises?" I called from the kitchen.

"A little swollen I guess, but I'm fine."

"I'll get you an ice pack."

"No, Mark seriously it's fine." He got up and followed me to the kitchen.

"You're getting ice." Jack sighed in defeat and let me care for him.

"Why do you care so much?" He mumbled as I handed him the ice. He didn't put it on his cheek though.

"You're my friend... I care about everyone." I motioned for him to use the ice. He rolled his eyes and pressed it lightly to his cheek. "You should probably go to bed. Get some sleep."

He mock laughed. "Yeah. Sleep." He trugged to the other side of the kitchen.

"Do you have trouble sleeping?" He shrugged.

"A bit, yeah." I offered the only think I could think of to help.

"Do you think it would help if I stay with you? I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, I just. Want to help."

Jack nodded. "Doesn't hurt to try."


I didn't expect Mark to offer to stay with me. Either way, I was happy he did.

"Your room or mine?" The thought of being surrounded by the smell of Mark while I'm in his sheets was enough to persuade me.

"Yours." He nodded again. "I'm gonna go change." I walked back to my room. My room. I sighed happily and sat on the edge of the bed. I sifted through the clothes I packed, putting my laptop to the side. I caught sight of the clothes Mark lent me a couple weeks ago. I smirked to myself and changed into them.

I walked upstairs to Mark's room and knocked on the door. A slight blush creeped up Mark's face when he opened the door. He cleared his throat before letting me in and responding.

"Weren't you supposed to give those back?"

I sat down on his bed cross legged. "Eh. They're comfy." Mark rolled his eyes.

"Make yourself at home." I curled myself up in his bed, wrapping the blankets around me before poking my head out. Mark was pulling out extra blankets and pillows. Oh, no no no. He is not sleeping on the floor. I sat up a bit.



"Can you just... stay up here?... with me?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah!" He answered a bit too eagerly. "Yeah..." He picked up his spare pillow and put it on the bed. I moved over so he'd have more room. As soon as Mark laid down, exhaustion washed over me and I almost fell asleep then and there. Mark let out a breathy laugh.

"Tired?" He was obviously amused. I nodded regardless and cuddled down into the sheets. Soon enough, I was asleep.

- Mark-

I was shocked at how fast Jack fell asleep. Didnt he say he had problems sleeping? Did I really help that much?

My thoughts were interrupted by Jack pulling my arm to his chest. My eyes widened and I tried to carefully pry my arm back. Jack held on tightly. I sighed and let him have it. I looked at Jack, happily sleeping, cuddling my arm.

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