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I realized a few days later that having Jack's Facebook wasn't that big of a deal. The only thing that happens on Facebook is a monthly profile picture update. Now if I had his Instagram, or Twitter, then I could be nervous. But I don't think I'll stalk him that much to find it. Probably. that school day went by so fast. It hadn't even felt like an hour before it was lunch. With the difference of schedules, I didn't get to walk to lunch with Bob or Wade so I walked alone to the cafeteria. Well, I felt alone until I realize a certain person I happened to be stalking every so slightly was walking next to me.

"Hey, Jack!" I called, as he was a few feet away from me. He looked towards my voice and slowed down until he was walking next to me.

"Hey?" He more questioned.

"What, you think this is only an after school thing?" I joked with a smile. He pursed his lips and said no more. He went to turn down the hall, but it wasn't the hall to the cafeteria. Where is he going?

"Hey, where you going?" I stopped to talk.

"Uhh, bathroom."

"I can wait for you if you want?" Damn, that sounded weird. Why did I say that?

"Oh, no. You're fine. I'll be in in a minute." He said and quickly and turned around walking down the hall. Ooookayyyy...


Sorry, pretty American boy, I'd rather have this time to myself.

I walked down the hall and ducked into the bathroom to wait out the lunch rush. After the halls quieted down I exited the bathroom and made my way to the stairs leading to the gym balcony. I've done this everyday so far this year. To be honest, I don't know why I haven't been yelled at yet. I go up to the balcony and sit behind the bleachers to listen to music and hopefully be able to talk to my friends back home. Just as long as it wasn't Killian.

I decided to take a look around on Instagram, and I thought to check if Mark had an Instagram. I don't know why, probably so I can see that pretty face some more, but I did. I clicked on the 'Find Facebook friends' button and searched for Mark's name. After shamelessly stalking his account, making sure not to accidentally like something, I followed his account.

After about half an hour of scrolling and spamming my friends, I slipped out the door of the stairwell and into the hall. I meshed into the the bustle of students.


Lunch ended with laughs and jokes. I was disappointed that Jack never came back, but I guess that's none of my business. I walked to the lockers with Ryan and I saw a green mop coming from the freshman hall. Why would a junior be coming from the freshman hall from lunch?

I was about to walk over to him when a twist of knots curled up in my stomach. Why did I feel so nervous? Cause I'm a chuckenshit, that's why. Ugh. I awkwardly dragged myself to my locker and pulled out my English books. Oh, another class with Jack. Nerves, please chill your tits.

~time skip to after school~

once I got to my locker I pulled out my phone from my backpack. I unlocked it to see a notification from Instagram.

Jackaboy started followed you. 3h

h\Hm? Was that... Jack? My mood lifted at the thought. Then I got confused again. Three hours ago? Wasn't that during lunch? Where was Jack? Why did I care? I shook off the annoyance at myself and closed my locker. I turned around down the hall and walked to the school entrance. I said goodbye to some drama kids I hung out with occasionally, Arin, Danny and Brian.

"Hey, Jack." I said as I sat down on the bench across the room, as I would usually. He unplugged his headphone and nodded my way. "You never came back to lunch, where were you?" I asked the question that was plaguing my mind all day.

"Uh, I got caught up helping a teacher, Mr. Pillar I think?" Jack said quickly. That's semi-suspicious...

"That took the whole lunch period?"

"Uh, yeah, I wasn't very hungry anyway." Hm. Okay...

"Well, how was your day?" I asked lamely.

"Okay, I guess." He put simply. we went quiet for a moment. I could feel the awkward tension grow in the small foyer. I was desperately trying to think of something to say, but nothing came to mind.


I was desperately trying to think of something to say. I may push everyone away, but man, I don't know if I can go two years without someone to talk to in this school. Marks the first person to acknowledge me besides people making fun of my hair, or accent. Finally, words came out of my mouth.

"Cant you drive? Why are you sitting here waiting?" Mark looked up at me, surprised. Probably because I actually said something without being spoken to first. He laughed looking down at the ground and leaning his arms on his knees. That was a beautiful sight.

" I honestly don't know, Jack." He looked up at me again. He almost made me melt then and there. Stop it Sean. Thinking like that is what got you here. "I guess just to talk to you." I couldn't hide my blush. He wanted to talk to me? The silent Irish kid? He smiled again, and I looked away before I fell apart. " what you want me to leave?" he laughed. No. I kinda want you to stay forever. But Id rather you leave before my mom gets here...

" Eh, do what you want." I tried to say coolly, leaning back against the wall letting my eyes close as my music got louder.

"Alright then." My eyes shot open when he said that. I saw him standing up and grabbing his stuff. He moved to the door. For some reason my chest beat out of my chest. He ran his free hand through his hair then looked back at me. "See ya, Jack." He winked. He WINKED. At me! T felt my eyes go wide and my face heat as he smiled my way.


A/N SUPER LONG CHAPTER! lol I said they would get longer. I'll try to keep at about this length. Thanks to my friends for some ideas to get me out of a two day writers block. Well, thanks for reading, keep bein' a boss, and I'll see you, in the next chapter. Buhbuye!

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