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(Reuploading because I think Wattpad ate half my chapter)


When Jack and I separated his eyes were wide and the tears that fell before were drying, leaving streaks down his face. It was a wide look of shock on his face and I felt I had done something wrong. Anxiety bubbled up in my chest.

"Shit, I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" I cut myself off, standing up and walking quickly to my room upstairs. Jack didn't move. I shut myself in my room Knowing I'd messed everything up. I didn't even think of how he had kissed back, just of how much I screwed myself over. I slammed my face into my pillow. I could hear Jack moving downstairs, a closet opening, more footsteps, then silence. He probably took some blankets and is sleeping on the couch. I turned over on the bed and stared at the ceiling. 

What the fuck did I do?


What the fuck did he do?

Why? Why did he kiss me? He's straight!... right? I rubbed my hands over my face and settled back into the comfortable couch. Well, it was more comfortable than my bed at home. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I tried to anyways. It was probably 3 AM when my eyes finally slid closed. 


I woke up to Chica licking at my face. I opened my eyes and she rested her head in front of mine. 

"No, Chica. You asked me for food, don't bother the sleeper." Mark's low, groggy voice chimed from the kitchen. I pet Chica's head, and sat up. "Oh, sorry..." Mark apologized behind me. I didn't know if it was for the dog, or last night again.

I said "You're fine" regardless. Mark led Chica back to her food dish. There was an awkward silence while Mark sat at the kitchen island. I checked my phone, which said the time was 10:37. I looked behind me at Mark. He was looking down at the counter top, like he was begging to say something, but knew he shouldn't.

When I couldn't stand it any longer, I said the first thing that came to mind. "Do you have my clothes?" 

"Are you leaving?" He looked up, worry filling his face. 

"Not now, but probably soon." I didn't want to leave, But I was sure Mark wanted me to, to kill the awkward tension. I had a constant feeling of dread that somehow, my mother knew what happened. That possibility was worse than any awkward situation I could be in.

Mark nodded and stood up, walking around the corner to the laundry room. He handed me my bag once he came back out, and I set it down on the couch."If you're leaving now, you can just give my clothes back some other time." He said, not looking me in the eye. 

"Do you want me to leave?" I asked. Mark took a deep breath.

"That's your choice" He sounded exhausted.

"...I'll go then." He was glancing at me, but none of them met my eyes. I picked my bag up again. I took a step towards a door, and was surprised when Mark  did the same.

"We-" His voice broke slightly. He cleared his throat and tried again. "We can just.. forget about last night." He offered. To my regret, I nodded and walked closer to the door.

"J- Jack." Mark called last second, my foot on the porch. He bit his bottom lip, like he was debating on saying his thoughts. "See you tomorrow."

I nodded again. "Bye Mark." I stepped out the door onto the porch. I stood there for a moment, took a deep breath and sighed. I started my short walk home, enjoying the feel of his clothes on my body.

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