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"Wade! What are you doing!?" I said laughing.

"I can't move! I'm stuck!"

"Wade! That's terrible!" Bob laughed loudly as he came around the corner. He shot at the vending machine stuck into the filing cabinets. "Hunters win!"

"Dammit Wade!" I joked.

"Another round?" He replied. I glanced at my abandoned backpack across the room.

"Nah, I have homework, dude."

"Aw come on. That stuff isn't due 'till tomorrow!"

"That's why it's sent home, Wade. So you don't have to do it in class before you turn it in." I shut down the game and waited for the Skype call to be over.

"You could do it at lunch," Bob started.

"It's called homework for a reason, guys. You should do yours too."

"I got all of mine done in class." Bob said

"Fine." wade said at the same time.

"Bye guys." They called out a farewell as I hit the end call button. I groaned and pulled my backpack up from the floor. Math, Chemistry, and English. Coincidentally the same classes I have with Jack. But that definitely has nothing to do with my unfinished homework.

I have no idea why Jack intrigues me so much. Maybe the hair? Nah. It's definitely the way he doesn't smile. It's been almost three weeks of school, and not once have I seen Jack smile. That's not usual for a person. I want to see Jack smile. And even more than that, I want to be the one to make him smile. I've had my fair share of ups and downs, and whatever this kid was going through, I want to help.

After about an hour of work, I packed my things away and shut down my computer which I was using for music. I sat on my bed and scrolled through twitter. A couple live streams missed from YouTubers I follow, a couple nice artworks from games I like, but nothing much. I decide to hop over to facebook for a bit to relieve the notification box.

After a bit of scrolling through, a notification came in. Facebook asking "Do you know (insert random name here)?" I was going to dismiss it, when I noticed the main color of the picture was green. Lime green. I tapped on the notification. "Do you know Sean McLoughlin?"

"Kinda?" I muttered to myself. I clicked on Jack's profile and looked at his pictures. "It's definitely him. No smiles. Anywhere." I sighed, silently stalking the Irishman. I eventually got to the days when he didn't have his hair dyed. Then the scenery in the background changed, and most of all, a smile.

He must've been back in Ireland during that picture. What happened between that time and now? I then realized how much of a creep I was being and got off of Jack's profile. There isn't a way to track who's searched you profile... Is there? No. I'll be fine.

I was about to hit the friend request when I started getting anxious. What if he rejects the request? What if he just then decided he'd never log back on to facebook and he'd never see it? What if... it made him smile to see the request? With that, I hit the button and locked my phone. I just won't look at it for a while. It was getting late anyway.

I layed back and tried to sleep.


I set set down Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Askaban that I've read like, three times before. Jesus. What time was it?

I picked up my phone to check the time. Almost 2am? Man, I need to sleep. I frowned at the thought. Then I noticed the rest of my phone. A notification? From 10:36? I didn't even hear the phone go off. I tapped the banner and it took me to facebook. A new friend request from,

"Mark Fischbach?" I questioned and tapped on the profile to see a smiling face and a black floof of hair. "Oh. him." I looked quickly through some pictures, some of just him, others with a brother or parents, presumably some friends. My lips ever so slightly perked up as I hit 'accept request'.

A/N Hey-o! There's some Jack POV in there! That's surprising! I'm bad at writing Jack's perspective. Also this chapters a bit longer than usual. Yay! I hope to make them a bit longer later on. I'm actually keeping up with this story! (Probably because I have friends now reading it heh, Hai guys) but I'm really liking it now! Well, thanks for reading, keep bein' a boss, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Buhbuye!

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