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I just barely heard the knock at the door. That had to be Jack. I quickly dismissed myself from the group and made my way inside to the front door. I opened it to see bright green.

"Jack! Awesome! Come on in!" I opened the door wider for him. "We're in the back."  He nodded and I led him to the back sliding door. I walked out to the patio and everyones attention turned to us. Jack hesitated at the steps.

"Guys this is Jack." I looked back over to the newest guest. "Jack, this is-" i cut myself off when i got a good look at him. His eyes were glancing between each person. "Jack?" Oh no. He reached out and grabbed the railing of the porch. I cautiously stepped toward him. He looked down at the ground.

"Is he okay?" I heard Danny behind me.

I shook my head, still looking at Jack. "I'm gonna take him inside."

"Hey." I said a bit quieter to Jack. He didn't respond, so I lightly placed my hand on his shoulder. He sharply turned his head  to look at me. Anyone could easily see the fear in his eyes. "C'mon." I lightly pushed him in the direction of the door. Once inside I led him to the couch and sat him down. I quickly went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I kneeled  down in front of him and my hand retook its place on his shoulder. He had one arm crossed tightly over his stomach and the other sitting on the couch. 

He seemed more collected by now so I tried talking again. "You okay, Jack?" his face flushed slightly as he looked up at me. That looked pretty cute. Wait what? Okay, okay not now. Think about that later.

"I-I'm sorry mark. I-I hope I didn't ruin your-" 

"Hey, Hey." I cut him off. "That's not what I asked. It's okay. Are you alright?" I said searching his eyes for any sign of discomfort.

"I-I think so. There's just... More people.. I thought.." he stuttered. I nodded and let him calm himself down with the glass of water.

"Are you gonna be okay?"I asked after he emptied the glass.

"Yeah. Thank you. I don't know what happened I just kinda..."

"It's okay." I answered before he had to explain more. "I've had to handle anxiety attacks before. My brother used to have really bad ones every once in a while."

"Oh." We sat in silence for a bit. "So, um..." Jack started awkwardly.

"Do you think you'd be able to go out or would you rather stay in here?" I offered. "It's your choice." I added to let him know he was in control.

"Maybe if I knew a bit of them before I could try?" He had a desperate look in his eye. I thought for a moment.

"Okay...well here." I stood up and went to the door. I pointed at Bob through the glass. "That's Bob..."

I explained everyone in who they are for him. I looked at him after talking about Arin and Danny. He looked back with a happy expression. Not quite a smile, but it was genuine happiness. I felt my face turn into a cheek splitting grin before rushing through Felix's introduction.

~sorry-for-back-tracking skip~

I dragged myself through the school days Tuesday morning barely ten minutes before the bell was supposed to ring. Once I made it to the corner where my friends were I sat down leaning against the wall.

"Long night?" Felix asked

"I just wanted to play tasty planet." Is all I said. They all laughed and continued the conversation from before. I almost fell asleep before I was jerked awake by Bob's voice.

"Hey, Jack!" My eyes open to see Jack across the hall, stopped in his tracks, eyes wide. Bob motioned for him to come over and he slowly made his way. I tried to pull myself into the land of being awake and stood up.

"Hey Jack." He nodded at me as he came to stand in the circle of people. I tried to listen in to the conversation. Something about Mario Maker?

"Yeah but my friend in Australia, Ross, his levels are the best." That was the jist of the conversation. I tried to see what peaked Jack's interest, but whenever I looked at him he had the same expression.

~time skip to lunch~

I ran up behind Jack before lunch. "Hey Jack.' I said as we ducked into the bathroom.

"Jesus! Mark, stop popping up behind me!" I laughed as he clutched at his chest. i hopped up and sat on the ledge that people used to hold their books.

"why do you come in here anyway?" i asked as he leaned against the wall.

"there's a P.E. class right now." My mouth went into a silent 'O' shape as we waited for the second bell. Out of boredom, I attempted to look over his shoulder at his phone. He looked at me with his brows furrowed. I quickly looked away. Bad idea. The bell rang and he kicked himself off the wall and waited for me to jump down. "Let's go." I grabbed my lunch bag and followed him down the hall. 

"So, you really think I should dye my hair pink?" I asked opening up my bag.

"Wait you're seriously dying it?" he looked at me surprised.

"Well, yeah. I mean, I said I was going to." I pulled out the grapes from my bag. "How much does it cost again?" 

"uh, anywhere from $60 to $100." he looked at me again. "You'll need to bleach it, so probably in the higher range."

"Alright, cool. So, pink?" he shook his head in an amused way.

"Nah, do the red. Sounds cool." I nodded and ate my food. i glanced up at him every once in a while to see him blankly typing into his phone. the more I thought of getting my hair dyed the more scared got. I didn't want to go alone. Then I remembered. I looked up at Jack.

"Hey, would you maybe.." Jack looked up from his screen. I felt my chest tighten slightly. "Want to... Come to my appointment?"

He looked taken aback at my question. "Why would you want me to go?"

"Oh, I don't know. You've done this before? You're my friend?" His eyes got even wider.

"I'm your friend?" I was confused by this. Did he not think I considered him a friend? Had he not considered me a friend?

"Well, yeah..." He stayed silent for a few moments.

"I'd love to go." He said abruptly. "When would it be?"

"Um I'll see about this weekend. Then you could just spend the night Friday." Jack looked concerned for a bit before answering again.

"I'll be there."

A/N hiya! One, I didn't look this chapter over because I wanted to get it published, so sorry for any mistakes. Two, a lot more was supposed to happen in this chapter, but then I decided to backtrack and show Jack's attack from Marks perspective. Three, I'm starting school next week. Hopefully I'll still be able to update regularly. We'll see. Well, thanks for reading, keep bein' a boss, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Buhbuye!

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