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What was that? Why the Fuck did I do that? "Do what you want." and I winked at him!? And why do I feel proud of that!? He's gonna think I like him. Not that there's anything wrong with liking guys, right? Ugh. Just, drive away and sulk at home later.

~time skip~
(This parts gonna be confusing, but it's supposed to be. Just bare with it.)

I jumped onto the bus and started walking down the completely empty aisle. Brother taking the car early sucks. I sat down in the second to last seat once I got there. I silently wished the rain would stop, even though I didn't really mind it. I peaked over the seat to look at Jack. He looked happy, even though he didn't smile.

"Hey Mark." He said distantly. I smiled his way. He held out his hand behind him from the outside edge of the seat. I took it and locked our fingers as he leaned his head against my shoulder.

"Your paint is everywhere." I said, smudging the blue warrior paint back into place on Jack's face.

"Oi! I said leave it alone!" jack swatted at my hand with mock annoyance. "It's gotta last throughout the day." I smirked as I put my arm around his shoulder and leaned back against the bus seat. Man, everyone on this bus was loud. Where were we going again?

"Mark what are you doing?" Bob's voice rang out sternly. He stood towering over Jack and I in the aisle along with Wade, Matt, and Ryan.

"Wha-?" I started before they started yelling.

"He's not a part of this group!"

"Do you think you can abandon us Mark?"

"Is he really worth it?"

"We don't want him here!"

The noise all clumped together much like I did now, on the floor. It was ringing in my ears. "You're abandoning us." Over and over again. I opened my eyes to see Jack walking away with the same sad expression on his face. I tried to reach out, but it was like the yelling kept me in a force field. Or kept Jack out. It hurt to watch him walk away like that, that I couldn't do anything to help.

"Mark." A voice rung out. "Mark!" I woke with a shock. "Mark you're late. Hurry up or you'll miss the first class." My mom. If she was up I was really late. How late did I stay up last night?
I didn't have time to comprehend my dream right now. I dragged myself quickly out of bed to change into something that probably wasn't clean but it didn't matter to me right now.

I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. No breakfast today. I drove as fast as I legally could, but I still ended up being 10 minutes late. Mr. Pillar gave me a death glare as I passed his open classroom door. Why did he have it out for me? I wouldn't have him in a class till next year. I sighed and entered my classroom and readied myself for a long day.

~time skip~

Jack didn't come to lunch again. I wondered where Jack was and why he never came to the cafeteria. I decided food could wait, and turned around and left the lunch line. I walked out the door and down the hall. Where could Jack be? Maybe that bathroom would be a start. I walked into the bathroom in the hall that connected the Junior/Senior hall with the Freshman hall. It was empty. I sighed and left looking down the hall for teachers. I looked down the other end of the hall. It was the end of the freshman hall, so it had a row of lockers on one side, and a door closing off the side doors that lead to the gym balcony as well as an exit.

I shrugged and started walking down the hall. Might as well try. I tried the right side door, to find it locked. The left one, had a bit of wood wedged in it to keep it unlocked. Well, someones out here. I slowly pushed the door open and stepped through, making sure to replace the wood stopper. I walked cautiously down the hall. I got to the end but still didn't see anybody. I guess they're upstairs? Once I got to the top of the stairs I looked around. I didn't see anybody, but I walked further in anyway. I'm glad I did because then I saw Jack leaning against the back of the bleachers.

"Jack?" I called once I got about half way there.

"Wuh-duh-fuk!" Jack jumped when he heard me. He hurriedly glanced around until he saw me. "Mark, what the hell?" I laughed a bit before I answered him.

"Scare ya?"


"Sorry. What are you doing up here?" I gestured around the balcony.

He shrugged and looked back at his phone and he quickly closed out of something. "I dunno, it's quieter."

"What about eating? Ya know, food?" I asked sitting down across from him. He shrugged again and put his phone on the floor by him.

"I'm not hungry at lunch."

"So you come up here? Everyday?" He nodded. His phone went off and he picked it up to answer. His face lightened, but still no smile. He typed out a reply and replaced his phone on the floor. "So Jack, do you play video games?" Nice mark. Very casual.

"Uh, yeah. Mostly PC or PlayStation."

"Oh, nice. I do PC too. We should play some time. You know prop hunt?"


"Bob, Wade and I play all the time. Maybe we can all play." I hoped he would. He seemed so lonely here. Hell, he skips lunch to sit by himself.

"Maybe. We'll see." He replied to another message.

"Who is that?" I questioned aloud.

"Friends. At home. They're getting close to sleeping now."

"Oh. Its cool you still talk to them." He looked up at me then back to his phone. Was that wrong to say? Change the subject, Mark. "I was thinking of dying my hair..." I trailed off. Very inconspicuous. Good job.

"What color?"

"I don't know. I was thinking blue, or red." I said running my hand through my hair. "What do you think?" I looked at him for his answer. He thought for a bit, squinting at my hair.


"Pink? Why pink?" He shrugged and looked at my hair. "Eh, I could dig pink."


"Yeah." I smiled at him.

"Why are you dying it?" He asked.

"I dunno. I like how yours looks," I pointed at his hair. "And it's a good cause. I figured I could do the same thing." He nodded. He took another look at his phone and the bell rang. "Welp, time to go I suppose?"

"Yeah." He got up and started walking to the exit.

"Hey, Jack!" I called after him. He turned around to face me. "Would you mind if I come sit with you up here some days?" Why was my heart pounding?

"Sure. Could use company I guess." He gave a thumbs up and that made me smile. Feeling satisfied, I followed Jack down the stairs.

A/N Hallo! This ended up longer than I thought it would. That's a good thing right? Lol. Well don't worry about updates, because I fully intend on finishing this book! I already have the plans for the next two chapters! I think this story is going to be longer than I anticipated. Oh well. I'll push through it. well, Thanks for reading, keep bein' a boss, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Buhbuye!

(Why are all my uploads at like, 3AM? 😂)

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