Just the Bell Girl

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something I found in my archive of written things. This is my second ever written smut shot. and I have decided to actually post it lol, first time I wrote this was July 10, 2016. so hope yall enjoy this small shit.

"Hurry up and bring those bags up."

Great. Not even an hour into the job and I'm already being ordered around. But what can you expect from rich assholes who think they run the town?

Anyway, while I'm carrying these bags up to wherever my boss is leading me to, let me tell you what's going on.

I'm Camila Cabello and I'm the new bell girl of the Jauregui household. Yes, the Jauregui's, as in famous drummer Michael Jauregui, high business owner Clara Jauregui, basketball and volleyball siblings Chris and Taylor Jauregui and most importantly, international pop-princess Lauren Jauregui. Yup, I'm working for a bunch of rich people.

At least it's better than my old job which was giving lap dances to weird men who would sometimes ignore the rules and touch. I came to this job because my fellow co-workers informed me they were looking for a new worker. When I came here, Mrs. Jauregui immediately took me in as a bell girl, but I'm guessing it's just because she had just come back from a business meeting and had all her bags by her limousine.

"Alright, here is my husband and my room. You are not allowed in this room at anytime, unless stated otherwise. Understood?"

"Yes Mrs. Jauregui."

"Mrs. Clara if you will." I nodded and headed into her room when she motioned for me to follow.

The whole design of this house was incredible. Each room we passed that I saw had its own different theme, and Mrs. Jauregui's is just as incredible as the other rooms. Simple but elegant.

"Now, when Chris gets back from his practices or back home from playing out of state, or the same for Taylor, you help them carry their bags up to their rooms

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"Now, when Chris gets back from his practices or back home from playing out of state, or the same for Taylor, you help them carry their bags up to their rooms."

"Yes Mrs. Clara."

"As well goes for my husband and my oldest daughter, Lauren. Now go on and get your room ready. I have already told one of my workers to preset a phone for you that has all of our schedules on it so you can know when we leave and when we come back."

"Thank you Mrs. Clara. Excuse me." With a wave of her hand I exited the room and stood in the hallway.

The one thing she forgot to mention was where my room was going to be. From what she told me, all the staff that lives here have their own room on the top level. The bottom rooms are for entertainment and work related activities.

Eventually I found my room thanks to one of the workers. I think her name was Celine, and she was a maid. Everyone I have seen so far working here looked young. The Jauregui's like young workers, everyone around here seemed my age, or at least 20 and above. The staff had shared rooms, I think there was a limit of four people per room. I have no idea how big the rooms for the staff are but I'm about to find out.

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