Pls Don't Go pt.2

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I made myself a sandwich with some Nutella and a banana I found. I would've added strawberries but the case had a note on it saying 'Ariana's' and knowing her she will kill me if I eat her food.

The moans had stopped so now I was just quietly chewing on my sandwich while sitting on the counter. I enjoyed the silence, I didn't get much of it, not even in my hotel room. Fans always found out where I was staying and would sing or chant my name all night long. I enjoyed it while it lasted because I soon heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs.

They walked into the dark kitchen and I stayed quiet not wanting to interact with anyone. But they just had to notice me.

"Rough night?" It was the blonde. Her of all fucking people.

"Yeah." I muttered, taking another bite of my sandwich.

"You must be the infamous Lauren I keep hearing about." Oh great, now she dislikes me too. "You know, ever since I met Ariana and the girls, they have told me so much about you."

"All good things I hope." They wouldn't be that mean to talk shit about me when I'm not around are they?

"Oh, only a couple things." Now she was starting to move closer to me, a little too close. "How she was always the loyal friend in the group. The one to give everyone advise, be a person who would listen to them. The person who would make them laugh. The one person they all thought was the most reliable." It wasn't until she grabbed my sandwich that I noticed she was right in front of me.

"And that's still me." In all honesty, she was starting to piss me off.

"That was you before. One day that one person got up and left them when she got something better in her life. Left them and never looked back."

"Can I have my sandwich back?" I was getting annoyed of her.

"No." Then she threw my sandwich into the trash can and pushed me off the counter.

I landed with a loud 'thud' on the floor. All the air was knocked out of my lungs. Before I could even get back up, she was on top of me. My arms under her, I couldn't move them.

"You know Jauregui, you're so fucking hot," While I struggled under her, she brought a hand to my cheek and started caressing my face. "It's a shame I have to mess up this gorgeous face of yours."

The blonde chick pinched my nose shut with one hand and brought her other fist to my face. One, two, three punches. The first two didn't hurt as much but by the fourth one I started screaming for help.

"Get off me you bitch! Get the fuck off me! HELP! DINAH! DINAH!" Her hand came down to cover my mouth now but the punches kept coming.

I lost count after ten and just as her fist collided with my nose, I heard it crack, followed by a warm substance running down from it. I let out a super loud shout of pain and that's when two bodies pulled the crazy blonde girl off of me but not before she threw a punch to my throat and a kick to my side. Two more helped me up.

"Don't hold me back! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL THIS BITCH!" She yelled and was about to launch herself at me but the two people held her back.

"Dinah take her outside and call Tyler." The person helping me stay up said.

"Mani, can you please do that unconscious thing you learned?" Someone else said.

"Sure thing."

Not going to lie but, everything is spinning in circles, it's kind of hard to breathe and the punches thrown close to my eyes are making it hard to see. And now that I come to realize it, everything is turning-

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