My Girlfriend

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Lauren's POV

Hallo there! Name's Lauren, Lauren Jauregui! Nice to meet you, uh, what's your name? Oh well, doesn't matter right now. What really matters is trying to find my beautiful and amazing girlfriend. Her name's Camila, Camila Cabello, or how everyone around town likes to call her, Camila Jauregui.

Now you might be wondering, 'Lauren, what do you mean everyone in town calls her that?'. Well let me explain, then you can either be confused or on track.

You see, I was born in a small town, one of those towns where everyone knows about you and you're all like one big family. If you get in trouble or do something amazing, everyone in town will know in about an hour or so. Crazy hu?

Anyway, I was born 17 years ago in this same town, living in my same two story, four bedroom, blue house. A couple others were also born around my time, in total there are about 10 others. Sure others also come around, and by that I mean our town has a lake that is like a tourist attraction during the day. So we see a bit of people around, but they stay in the hotel near the lake.

But that's not the point of this. The point is, my girlfriend was also one of those few that were born around my time. I was born March 3, and she was born June 27. Not the point either.

Ever since we were born we have been best friends. Our families live next to each other, all our lives we've always been with each other. It's rare when you see one of us without the other. Which is another reason to why we're girlfriends.

If I remember correctly, my mom says that I was always going around telling everyone Camila would be my future wife, and at the age of 7, we made it official when we went to the lake all by ourselves on a 'date'. But to be honest we had small moments where we did cute stuff that leaves me smiling like an idiot nowadays.

"Hey there Camilla, what you got there?"

"Just some brownies my mommy made for me and Lolo."

"And where is 'Lolo'?"

"She went to go potty. She'll be back any minute no- Hey! Those are mine! Give it back!"

"Or what?! Try and take them, I dare you."

"Hey, she said to give her her brownies back." I appeared from the potty and saw the class bully standing in front of Camila. She looked like she was about to cry and the bully in front of her was laughing. That's when I rushed over to them to see what was happening.

"Lern, try and take them back." He looked at me with a smile, but not the good kind like the one's Cami gives me. "I dare you."

Before he could say anything else, I pushed him and grabbed the baggie of brownies he had taken away. After that he got up and ran away towards the slide. For a bully he sure is a scardy-cat.

"Here you go Camz." I sat down next to her and she gave me a huge hug.

"Thank you Lolo." And the best thing ever happened.

Ah that greatest memory from 5 year old me. After that, Camila looked at me with her cute brown eyes, and huge smile on her face. As quickly as I smiled back at her, she kissed my cheek and sat down in between my legs, which is our go to position when sitting down, that or her on my lap.

At the moment I'm getting ready to go out to the lake at night to meet Camila. She was out all day hanging with a couple friends of hers by the lake. Her friends just love to hook up with the cute tourist guys they find around the lake. Lately they've been hanging there more since, according to Kamila (Dinah's [Camila's bestfriend] sister), these cute guys were here for a while.

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