My Nerd

663 28 3

A/N Started October 30, 2017 @6:20AM

Camila Cabello. Shy, quiet, sits-in-the-back, intelligent girl.

She walks into class with her head down, gaze glued to the floor. She's one of the first students inside the room which makes her happy for she hates sitting in the front where the teacher can see her work easier and ask her for the answer.

If there's one thing Camila hated, it was being put on the spot.

Which is why when any teacher has ever called on her to give an answer or go up to the board to show her work, she'd almost faint. That resulted on teachers stopping from asking her up to the board, but some just didn't get the memo. There was even a time a teacher wanted her to shout her answer, all the students were quiet, some laughing, others rolling their eyes, their gaze glued on Camila. Poor thing wanted nothing more than to hide under a rock or have the ground under her open up and swallow her.

People didn't even glance her way or bother her, and that was great in Camila's eyes. She hated the attention and just couldn't wait to leave this hell she called high school. And everything was running smooth, that is until a green eyed troublemaker showed up in her class one day and sat in front of her her first day.

"Ms. Lauren Jauregui, care to explain how to solve the problem?" The teacher's irritated voice boomed through the small math class.

"Don't know, and quite frankly, I don't think Imma be needing this for what I'm going to become." She answered with such a tone that caused the class to grow amused, except for Camila who put her head down trying to avoid all the stares pointed slightly in her direction.

"And why is that?"

"Well sir, I don't think if I'm going to be touring around the world, singing in different arenas, Imma have to know the constant variable of something." The whole class started laughing.

"You are not yet in that stage in your life Ms. Jauregui, you are here now. Now what is the answer?"

The answer was so simple, Camila couldn't believe Lauren hadn't figured it out. And as the teacher kept his gaze sternly on Lauren, Camila muttered out the answer, not that she would say it out loud anyway.

"Fifteen." Lauren tilted her head an inch towards Camila, a smile appearing on her face.

"I believe the answer is fifteen sir." The teacher looked at her like if she had grown two heads, shaking his head before writing down the answer and proceeding with the lesson.

As a thank you, Lauren held out her thumb behind her, barely showing it to Camila, but she caught it and instantly looked back down at her paper. If there was something Camila didn't want, was Lauren Jauregui talking to her. The girl hadn't even been there a full day and already Camila hid all the way in the back of her shell. She knew the kind of girl Lauren was, there was no way she was going to have any form of interactions with her.

By the end of the day, turns out Camila was doomed. Lauren and her shared all their classes, and in every class, Lauren sat right in front of her. Reason being, Camila had found out Lauren would repeat her muttered answers back to the teacher. So even if Lauren talked back to the teachers at any moment she could, they couldn't say anything about her not being correct on the answers.

And that's how it continued for a couple days.

Camila muttered her answers and Lauren would say them back outloud. She was fine with it, as long as Lauren didn't speak to her directly or make any move to interact with her. Peachy. All the attention went to Lauren. Often times Lauren would walk to class close to Camila. A couple steps behind her, but always close, not even the kids who would greet Lauren or call her over during passing periods would make her go away from Camila.

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