Epilogue: Part 2

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Ellie laid in bed, thinking about what life would be like in a psych ward. She couldn't imagine being with a bunch of freaks. But she started to think, was she a freak just like them? Did she belong there just as much as they did? She knew her mother's intentions were good, and that she just wanted to see her only daughter the way she was before the whole incident. Ellie knew, however, that she'd never be the same person she was before. Too much had happened, and she matured very quickly.

She decided that life was no longer worth living. She knew killing herself wasn't the right answer, but also knew that she'd never be able to wake next to the one person she loved the most. She decided that she had to do a few things before she could take her life. First, she had to visit and old friend.

She hopped in her car and found herself at the doorstep of Calvin's house. She knocked on the door and it opened after about 30 seconds.

"Cal, hey."

He didn't say anything. He couldn't say anything. He hugged her. They cried in each other's arms and somehow ended up on the ground. His mother passed by inside the home and just so happened to catch a glimpse of the two hugging on the front steps. She stood and smiled, before continuing on with what she was doing.

"I can't stay long. I just wanted to say goodbye. My mom is sending me away for a while. I knew I'd hate myself for a while if I didn't come to see you."

"I'm glad you did. Are you okay?" He asked, wiping tears from his cheeks.

"I'm fine. Well how are things with you, Cal?"
She asked.

"Fine. I've met someone, actually," He said, sounding shy.

"Holy shit! That's great!" She said, sounding very happy for her best friend.

"Yeah. His name is Danny. I met him a few months ago when he transferred to our school."

Ellie was a bit taken aback by the fact that Calvin was dating a guy, but had no problem with the idea. She was very delighted to find that Calvin was comfortable enough with himself to find someone just like him. He'd make him happy since she'd no longer be alive to do so.

"I'm really happy for you, Cal."

They hugged one last time before hopped in the car and drove off. She arrived at her final destination — the county prison. She couldn't believe she was there, and knew her mother would disown her if she knew she was anywhere near that place. She walked to the front desk to speak to the guard.

"Name, please," He said firmly.


"And who would you like to visit today?"

"Cade Winter."

He wrote a few more things before communicating in his walky-talky.

"Bring in inmate 236."

Suddenly, she sees Cade walk through the doors. He is handcuffed and pale. His hair is messy and there are bags under his eyes. He doesn't even look like the same person. Once Cade spots her, he smiles. His beautiful smile is the one thing that she knows will never go away. It's a smile that could light up a sea full of darkness. He walks up to her quickly, and they hug passionately. They parted and kissed each other, as if their lives depended on it. They hugged again. After a while, the officer standing nearby tells us to stop. We sit down across from each other.

"I never thought I'd see you again," Cade said.

"You and me both. I won't be long. Cade, I want to kill myself."


"Because I want to love someone, but then I realize that the only 'someone' I want to love is you. I know I can't have you. And I love you. Every second we're apart, I am always thinking about you, wondering if you're okay. I know I won't feel that for anyone else, so what's the point?"

"You're being ridiculous. You're wonderful. You'll find someone ten times better than me. Don't take your life for someone like me."

Cade realized that he wasn't getting his point across. He loved Ellie, and knew that what he was about to do might be a mistake, but it just might save her life. He loved her more than anything, so he knew that he had to save her.

"Why take your life for someone who just used you?"

"Cade, what are you talking about?"

"I'm a psychopath! A pedophile! I kidnapped you because I'm insane and I have demons inside me that won't leave. I used you. I took you in out of rage! It's not like any of this was ever love! I never loved you!"

"How could you say these things, you monster? We were in love! I loved you! You loved me! We were so happy!"

"Maybe it was love to you. I was mostly in it for the sex. Like you said, I'm a monster." He gulped. He couldn't believe he was saying such terrible things. But Ellie needed to realize that there were better people in the world than him, and he didn't want to think that he ruined her chances of ever loving someone else. He wanted her to be happy.

"I can't believe this! It can't be true. You can't fake feelings like that," she said, already bawling her eyes out.

"Maybe I'm just a good actor."

She slapped him across the face. She could bare to hear anymore.

"Ma'am, I think you need to leave," Said the guard.

"With pleasure." She gathered up he stuff and stood up. She headed for the exit.

"I love you too, Ellie," Cade mumbled under his breath as he watched the love of his life get into her car through the window. A tear fell down his cheek as he was escorted back into the cell.

Ellie cried. She cried until she was physically tired of crying. She was convinced that the love of her life didn't love her back. But she realized that whatever he said was true. She would find someone she loved. Someone who loved her back. She didn't need to take her life. Cade's plan was ultimately successful.

* 2 Years Later *

"Babe stop, the news is on," Ellie's boyfriend, Kyle, says as she attacks him with kisses.

"This just in. Cade Winter from the kidnapping case two years ago has just taken his life in prison. Many are saying it's "what he deserved' since he did not receive a death sentence during trial."

"Whoever that guy is, he sounds like a sick bastard," Kyle said.

Ellie couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. She ran to the bathroom and vomited. Kyle ran after her.

"Ell! What's wrong? Are you okay?" He said reaching down at her. She pushed his arm away.

"Don't touch me. I'm fine. Can I just be alone for a bit?" She asked. He walked away, confused.

She cried. She knew she should have been because he 'didn't love her', but she did anyway. She loved him and she knew she always would. She knew it would eat her alive until the day she died. She stood up, wiped her tears, and washed her face. She went back to the living room and sat back down next to Kyle. She looked at him and suddenly saw Cade's face.

"You're gonna be okay," Kyle said. But she didn't see Kyle's face. She only saw Cade's face on Kyle's body.

"I know, Cade. As long as you're here, I'll always be okay.

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