Cursed With A Kind Heart

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I'm cursed with a kind heart in a world full of pain.
The kind nature in my soul is driving me insane.
Why has my kindness caused me so much stress?
Making others happy when I barely get any rest.
Selfish people drain me of all my happiness in sight.
They even have the nerve to ask me if I'm alright.
I'm so angry, but I can never let it out.
I don't want to be alone, but I'm left with self doubt.
I want to run away and never come back.
To be free all of this before my heart starts to crack.
Why must I do what others want me to do?
Do they truly care for me or is that untrue?
I am cursed with kindness as my anger dwells within.
My life is on a time limit as my happiness is leaving me again.

~Ladarius Brown

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